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Messages - Barbs

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Control Box
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:00:25 AM »
Hi All,

I’m looking into the option of having a Control box made up for my CNC machine. Can anyone recommend companys that do this sort of thing?



General Mach Discussion / Re: I need HELP… Please
« on: December 05, 2014, 09:44:19 PM »
Hi Arturo,

Thanks for the reply,

What I mean by “it didn’t help” is that after swapping the cables it made no difference to the fault condition.

I have swapped over the all possible connections in an attempt to find a continuity or mechanical fault. I just ordered another Break Out Board and a simple axis drive to do some more diagnostics.
I’ll let you know how all that goes. 

The strange thing is the driver and axis work perfectly if I control them directly with the servo configurator software. Once connected to the c32 they fault immediately. Have you had any similar issues with the C32?

I’ll send my set-up files via your email address and get your opinion too.



General Mach Discussion / Re: I need HELP… Please
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:50:12 AM »
Hi Arturo,

The cable swap didn’t help unfortunately.

What I was proposing was I send you my files and you have a look to see if anything is a miss. I would also send you a high resolution image or several high resolution images of my setup on the board showing the dip switches.

If through your after sales support we can’t fix it I’ll need to start replacing hardware as I’ve already changed all the wiring and swapped bits over.


General Mach Discussion / Re: I need HELP… Please
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:10:25 AM »

I’m not concluding anything… I wish I was that far down the diagnosis track.

I think I swapped them over but I will double check and get back to you.

In the instance that the cables are ok would it be possible to send you setup files and get your opinion?


General Mach Discussion / Re: I need HELP… Please
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:45:39 AM »
Hi Arturo,

I don’t think it’s a problem with the axis, motor or cables. Both X and Y run faultlessly with the servo configuration software.

I changed the cables for both power and encoder to the motor. This hasn’t changed a thing.  It runs perfectly if it’s being controlled by the tuning software and faults constantly in both hard and soft enable when controlled by Mach3.

As I use the fly out jog control in Mach3 I can hear the BOB switching into a fault mode as the relays cut out? Not sure if this helps? Could it be a dip switch or solid contact that’s in the wrong place?



General Mach Discussion / Re: I need HELP… Please
« on: November 17, 2014, 05:49:16 AM »
Well I gave the old drivers a go, they are cactus. I’ve email my supplier that I purchased all my gear from so hopefully they can help.   :-\

General Mach Discussion / Re: I need HELP… Please
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:49:23 PM »

Thanks for that.

Just thinking it through for myself. I had the Y driver controlling the X motor from the BOB and it had the same issue it’s always had in the normal X configuration. Both drivers work 100% fine with either motor or combination if they are being controlled by the servo software so I don’t think the drivers or the motors that are the issue?

I have some old DG2S drivers that I could try using, I’m not sure if they work but I’ll give it a shot.

Cheers, Dave

General Mach Discussion / I need HELP… Please
« on: November 14, 2014, 08:43:53 PM »
Hi all.

I need HELP… I have been diagnosing a glitch in my CNC for weeks now and am completely stumped.

I'm having a regular fault with my X axis only.

I have spent a bit of time trouble shooting the problem and changing over parts, cables, adjusting settings and so on but can get it sorted.

Today I bought a rather expensive UPS, the type that isolate the input from the output as I though there could be an interference issue going on between the power supplies and my smooth stepper + Break out board.
This didn’t help unfortunately.

Background and parts: The machine is a rebuild from an old analogue system, I’m using identical setups on the X and Z with an AC servo on the Z. X has big issues, Y has no issues whatsoever and Z is fine.

Break out board: CNC4PC C32
Smooth steeper, USB To laptop
Running full version of Mach 3
X&Y Power supply: 48V 12A
X&Y Servo Controller:  DG4S
Motor: Brushed DC Servo
Encoder: AMT103

What’s going wrong: The X axis faults with movement, slow, fast with no load it faults and stops responding to Mach 3 inputs for a second or two. Once things stop physically moving it starts up again and responds to inputs. Mach hasn’t registered the fault had has continued to move in the program. 
The X setup works flawlessly in the servo configuration software and has no problems moving fast, slowly or accurately. The fault only occurs when controlled through the breakout board and smooth stepper.

What I’ve tried to resolve it:
Changing drivers: No change
Changing Encoders: No change
re running leads: No change
Using the Y output on breakout board and reconfiguring: No change
Powering all the low voltage, sensitive stuff with an isolated UPS: No change
Updating firmware: No change

I think it’s very much an X setup problem but not between the servo controller and the motor. That leaves the BOB + Smooth Stepper and the X setup causing interferences.

So yes, I’m stumped… If you know what’s going on please let me know.


Pages: 1