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Messages - Gommiswald

Pages: 1
SmoothStepper USB / Re: Random Change of Z Axis Direction
« on: July 03, 2014, 02:36:41 PM »
Hi Greg

Thank you very much for your answer. - I resolved the problem by changing the SEW Servodrives and put in Lenze EVS 9300 ES Servodrives with modules to change pulse and dir to A and B signals. Since then - the machine works wonderful. - I think it was a problem of the modules that change the pulse and dir to A and B for the SEW Servodrives. The developper of the SEW modules didn't work fine, so I got some EMV problems.


SmoothStepper USB / Random Change of Z Axis Direction
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:07:16 PM »
Hello - I'm just new on the forum - because till now, my machines worked fine with Mach3 and Smoothstepper Ethernet. But now I encounter a severe problem on a milling machine. I installed the following parts: Smoothstepper ESS - BOB - Modules to change dir/pulse signals to differential signals A and B (these are modules for SEW Servo drives). - I didn't yet finish the construction of the machine, so I can only move the axis by keyboard signals. I can't explain when the problem arrives, but sometimes it arrives that by pressing the PgUp or PgDn Key the axis moves in the wrong direction. Then I check the ports and pins settings Motor Output the Dir low active. Then the axis moves again in the correct direction. But suddenly the Z-axis turns in the incorrect direction. - The X and the Y axis move fine (finally I hope so - I'm not 100% sure!).
It is a real bad problem with maybe bad consequences. What can I do? The constructor of the SEW Modules tells me, that the modules work correct (he has made several tests). Shall I put the the Dir Puls in the motor configuration to a higher value or shall I use the sherline 1/2 pulse mode? Or shall I reduce the steps per mm (now on 1000). The SEW MDS Servo Drive accepts up to 200kHz.

Thanks a lot for every help

Pages: 1