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Messages - druckgott

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Problem with S*********x and pwm output
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:54:28 AM »
A parallel port

General Mach Discussion / Re: Problem with S*********x and pwm output
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:28:44 PM »
I have now reinstalled mach3.

IT online Workshop in i Do have the s.... Command Set Not in the Same line as m3

so if i have
then it Works
can you please help me what is the problem if i change the linarity.dat?

why is it not working how it should

General Mach Discussion / Re: Problem with S*********x and pwm output
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:33:35 PM »
I habe now checked also different versions its always the same problem its the difference between linarity.dat and original linarity.dat

i have modified it with the tool which is here in the forum availible  (dont have the linke now here for the topic)

if i press the reset button for the spindle RPM  ore put in the s command two times it works. if i use original linarity.dat there is no jump.

i dont know what i can do is there any way to change something in m3 command script that4it reads s two times?

i want to use the linarity.dat because otherwise on 50% of rpm input i already have 90% of rpm i have a brushless motor with a rc esc and an arduino which converts the mach3 pwm to rc pwm.


General Mach Discussion / Problem with S*********x and pwm output
« on: October 30, 2015, 04:41:14 AM »
Hallo, i have a problem with the S********* gcode and what i get out as pwm.

if i put in the spindle rpm manual and start it manual then i get the right output for pwm. (i mesure it on the lpt port)

if i have a Programm and start the spindle in the program i get not the right rpm on pwm output,but if i have in the program two times the s.... then i get for the First s the wrong output and for the second s.., the right pwm output . here is a exemplarisch

S10000 F100 M3
do not Work

S10000 F100 M3
this one workes.

i have the feeling that the linarity.dat will not used on the first s and on the second one it will be used?!

do you have an idea what i can Do

same if i have example 1 and do a speed reduction with 10% over s- and then back to 100% with s+ the r
pwm output gets then the right value.

thx druckgott

General Mach Discussion / Re: Output aktivate bevor Start of Programm
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:28:58 PM »
ob thx

General Mach Discussion / Output aktivate bevor Start of Programm
« on: October 18, 2015, 12:15:32 PM »
Hallo, i have Connected on output pin 16 my vacuum cleaner.

AT the Moment IT will bei Start wich the cooling aktivation, But what i want to have is,that the programm will not start if the Output on pin 16 is not aktivated. is there auf way to do this without an extra input. so i will only get a information if pin 16 is not aktive. I also Do not need that it will be aktivated with cooling. I only want to have a button to start it and a reminder if its not on.


General Mach Discussion / Re: spindle aktivate an reverse
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:47:33 AM »
Thx this Workshop perfekt

General Mach Discussion / spindle aktivate an reverse
« on: June 08, 2014, 03:43:10 PM »
Hallo, I have a question.

I have my Spindle connected to mach3, now my question is, I have on pin for aktivate and one pin for reverse and one pin for pwm.

If I want to have that the spindle should run I always need the pwm and the aktivate pin. This works perfekt,

But If I want to reverse the spindle I need pwm, aktivate and reverse pin aktiv, how can I do this, I only get it working that aktivate or reverse pin is aktiv,
but I  need both pins aktive?


General Mach Discussion / reset Button somtimes Hits out
« on: May 02, 2014, 07:06:13 AM »
hallo, somtimes the reset bitten jumps out on my mach3, so if the mach3 ne is not driving it says something with the trigger. but only if the machine is ständig still.

Pages: 1