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Messages - sonnybelew

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / licensing question
« on: April 28, 2014, 05:27:27 PM »
Hi guys.  I couldn't find this answer throughout the boards so I hope to get the answer from you here.

I bought a new Syil X5 CNC machine that came with Mach3 ( I was told it is fully licensed).  It works perfectly but I continue to have this one problem. 
The toolpath window only shows part of the toolpath when it is a larger toolpath.  From what I can tell on this forum, this would be a problem with not having a licensed copy and the toolpath only showing 1000 lines of code.  How, or where, can I look on the software to find out..??

Thanks for the help

General Mach Discussion / Re: pulling my hair out......!!!! :)
« on: April 27, 2014, 05:37:03 PM »
I hope this is right..... I simply divided the current 10160 by 25.4 and got 400.  I put that as the steps per and it now moves only 1mm.  The only thing that looks off is the motor tuning display "arc" is almost flat looking instead of a ramping up, leveling off, then ramping down again.  Not sure if this of any concern or not......
Again...thank you much for the help!!!

General Mach Discussion / Re: pulling my hair out......!!!! :)
« on: April 27, 2014, 05:24:30 PM »
Thanks for taking the time to help.  I'm not sure what to change it to.  Right now the motor tuning screen reads velocity per mm at 100.  The steps per are 10160.  Everything else on that screen appears to be associated with mm. 

General Mach Discussion / Re: pulling my hair out......!!!! :)
« on: April 27, 2014, 04:16:14 PM »
Thanks.  Just ran the exercise and it moves 1 inch each way.  Mm are chosen in the native units.  Any thoughts...?

General Mach Discussion / Re: pulling my hair out......!!!! :)
« on: April 26, 2014, 06:32:55 PM »
im running version R3.042.038.   I believe it says Version 2.0 at startup
I have seleceted MM in the native units and it remains selected when I reboot or restart the program. 
I didn't know about the lock DRO to Setup units.  I'll give that a try as well. 
Thanks guys

General Mach Discussion / Re: pulling my hair out......!!!! :)
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:45:56 PM »
G21 is the code its running.  I try to attach a pic here.  Also, its jogging in inches as well which isn't associated with code (or is it...??).  Thanks for any and all advice. 

General Mach Discussion / pulling my hair out......!!!! :)
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:14:24 AM »
Hi folks.... I'm Sonny and I'm new here.  Ive been using CNC's for about 15 years now but this is my first go around with Mach3.  The way I operate isn't as sophisticated as most of you are so I'm hoping the solution to my problem is an easy one for you.
All of my machining is done by first designing in a 3d CAD program (I use ArtCam13), which I do in all MM, then generate a toolpath in MM, open it in Mach3, set my Zero and machine.  I don't write my own code, etc... so I'm more lost than most when there is a problem. 

Now for my problem....  I cannot get Mach3 to read/feed in MM.  No matter what I do, it's travelling in INCHES, even when MM is chosen everywhere I know (or have found) throughout Mach.  I have set the units to MM, under settings I have made sure MM is chosen , etc...   I have also re-ran the toolpath many times to make sure it's generating in MM.  Mach even jogs in INCHES even though I have MM chosen.  I have rebooted the program many times and checked that MM is the chosen units. 

I'm sure there is a simple solution and maybe even so basic it's kind of funny.....  Any help would be appreciated.  THANKS!!! ???

Pages: 1