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Messages - FPV_Habu_Flyer

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 with Zenbot - Scaling Issue
« on: March 11, 2014, 09:50:19 AM »
Hi Rich,

Thanks for your help.  I figured out the issue.  I just had to reload the configuration sent to me by the CNC manufacturer.  Yes, I am using a MachforWin64 external motion controller.  Not really sure what was up with that but the problem seems to be fixed.

Thanks for your help,


General Mach Discussion / Mach3 with Zenbot - Scaling Issue
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:20:25 PM »

My name is Jim and I am trying to use Mach3 with my Zenbot CNC machine.  I am encountering some issues, however.

I have creating a toolpath for my drawing in Vectric 2D and now want to use Mach3 to control my machine.  The guy from Zenbot gave me a pre-set profile for Mach3 that is made to work with this particular machine.  Also note that I am using a MachforWin64 kit and Windows 8.

My issue is that when I load the G-Cod on Mach3 and jog the machine, Mach3 shows that I have moved a certain distance, like 2mm, but the machine has actually moved way more than that (like a foot!)  Does anyone know what my problem is?

Thanks in advance,


Pages: 1