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Mach4 General Discussion / Where is Mach4 Plasma screen set?
« on: March 21, 2019, 05:32:12 PM »

I was wondering how and where can I add plasma screen set and THC settings to Mach4 Hobby screen?
Not much word on it in the user manual but I found this:

" The basic install will load the appropriate files needed for each machine type (Lathe. Mill and
There is no plasma control option at all at installation. Only Mill, router etc but not plasma.
What am I doing wrong here?


General Mach Discussion / Re: LPT port "active low", "active high"???
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:29:13 PM »
Thanks you guys. I really appreciate your answers. So if I understood you well when we want send a "turn on" signal onto pin 10 ( eg. Estop which was set in Mach as "Active Low") then we should send around 1V and thats it?! If we want to turn it off then we just open that circuit on pin 10 and we dont send any voltage. Am I I correct?
We just want to create some sort of estop button and we are just planning to create a circuit.
Thanks again!

General Mach Discussion / LPT port "active low", "active high"???
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:13:58 PM »
Hi guys,

Im completely new to Mach3 and when I want to set up my Mach3 to my THC I have to set up the ports and pins below:


-      Pin 10 – estop – active low
-      Pin 15 – THC On (same as ArcOK) – active low
-      Pin 12 – THC Up – active low
-      Pin 11 – THC Down – active low


-      Pin 1 – Output #1 – (Torch On) – active high
-      Pin 17 – Charge pump  

I would like to ask that what is the different between active low or active high in terms of measured voltage on LPT port pins?
Should I measure higher voltage where I set up "active high"? Or what is the meaning of it? Why is it referred as "active"?

Furthermore I was also told that pin 17 "Charge pump" is a safety setting which prevents my plasma cutter to start automatically by windows issue. Does it mean that if I set this setting up (pin 17 Charge Pump) in Match I should only get 5V on pin 17 if I lunched Mach3 software? Or I have to start Mach3 software and after I still have something to do to get 5V on pin 17? Sorry for dumb questions but I just want to make sure of the proper operation.

Many thanks

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