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Messages - guarddog_50

Pages: 1
I am trying to get a Bergerda SDF08NK8X to a CNC4pc c32 board through a c34 and every time I try and plug the rg45 into the c32 it faults out. There is something int he configuration that I am missing, has anyone done this before and can give me something else to look for. The manual is attached here, I have verified that the c34 and the servo drive pins are correct and I can get the servo working from the front panel but as soon as I plug them together I get a c32 fault.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Need help with Winpost to Mach setup
« on: November 15, 2016, 08:58:42 PM »
  Is there anyone out there using Winpost to convert APT files to something that Nach3 can read and likes? Winpost is a free program that will convert APT files into ISO which ends up as an NC file. But there are lots of settings that I am not sure about. I chose the Fanuc base post but it does not make MAch3 happy. I am using a 5axis setup with a table/table trunion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Someone out there has to have heard of it.


General Mach Discussion / Re: New machine with a goofy problem
« on: August 01, 2013, 10:38:43 PM »
Where is the place to make that change?


General Mach Discussion / New machine with a goofy problem
« on: July 31, 2013, 07:30:27 PM »
Hello all. New machine up and running just recently. Full zero backlash ballscrew 10x10 4axis. Everything is running nice and smooth with the pendant when I am jogging the motors slow.
When I jog the motors fast or try and run a program in Mach, I get only the Y axis moving backwards about 5-% of the time. So here is the thing that has me stumped. The mechanics of the X and the Y are exactly the same with the exact same screws, motor, and setting in the motor moving pull down. I have used Mach in the past but been out of the game fora few years.
Lots of awesome info on this board and lots of helpful people in the community. Anyone out there in cnc land ever ave this issue? I am using a Sainsmart 4axic board, same as on my CNC lathe and it works great on there. Running the motors at 1/8 stepping for the time unti I get a Gecko G540 here in the next few weeks.
The X carries the Z column and the spindle and the Y carries just the aluminum base plate. The X def has more stuff to move.
I am puzzled!!!

Thanks in advance..


Pages: 1