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Messages - Maged

Pages: 1
Galil / Re: DMC1842
« on: June 27, 2013, 07:34:05 PM »
Dear AMorris,

If I don't want to make any special routines or functions , I will need any coding or commands with using  DMC-1842 ?

Best Regards,

Galil / Re: Galil HELP DMC-1842
« on: June 23, 2013, 05:33:34 PM »
I wonder if any one help me about using DMC-1832 Or DMC-1842 with Mach3 and configure MPG unit attached with system and the motors type areservo motors with (A+,A-,B+,B-,C+,C-) encoders will connect to controller.

Note: the old controller DMC-9542 , I am planing to use DMC-1842 because the old one not support the Galil plugin and not compatible with Mach3.

The most important question I want to know , If I will use DMC-1832 in this machine , I will need any special coding ?
OR I will use Galil plugin to configure this system with Mach3 without needing any coding ??

Galil / DMC1842
« on: June 23, 2013, 01:44:38 PM »
I wonder if you could help me about using DMC-1832 Or DMC-1842 with Mach3 and configure MPG unit attached with system and the motors type are servo motors with (A+,A-,B+,B-,C+,C-) encoders will connect to controller.

Note: the old controller DMC-9542 , I am planing to use DMC-1842 because the old one not support the Galil plugin and not compatible with Mach3.

The most important question I want to know , If I will use DMC-1832 in this machine , I will need any special coding ?
OR I will use Galil plugin to configure this system with Mach3 without needing any coding ??

Pages: 1