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Messages - TheDoc

Pages: 1
Thanks guys. 

So I really like the idea of the Smooth Stepper, seems easy to use and versitile.

As far as drivers...the closest ones I have found without exceeding the servo capability are:

Gecko 340 = 80V, 20A @ $148
Rutex R2010 = 100V, 20A @ $148
Viper 100 = 100V, 20A @ $199

If the Rutex's are problematic (not saying they are, just not clear yet), the Gecko's leave my system handicapped, that only leaves the Viper 100's.  Ok done, unless there are any other drives to look into (looked at the automation direct, very nice, a little out of my budget).

So, 1 PC w/ Mach3, 1 smooth stepper, 3 Viper 100's, 1 or 2 Estop switches...now only need to figure out the encoders, right?

General Mach Discussion / Starting over, new to Mach - Supermax Retrofit
« on: October 14, 2008, 05:14:35 PM »
Hi everyone, thanks for letting me play with the cool kids.

So here is my deal...I have a Supermax YCM-16 VNM that used to have a 3-axis Anilam controller on it.  I had the same machine before (lost that one in the Witch Creek Wildfire) and did an AJAX retro kit a couple years ago.  Once I got it working, it was fine.  But…I do not think it was worth the money, nor was it as flexible as Mach appears to be (ok, I read the USB pendants forums and was very impressed…)

The Anilam controller is largely gone minus a few key components (power transformer, spindle motor relay, servos, and the cabinet).  All in all the mill is in great shape.

The servos are:
Stall Torque 3NM
Max 2400 RPM, 140V, 30A
Tach 9.5V/1000RPM

What I am looking to build is a basic system with future upgrade capability.  For this basic capability I would like to control XYZ, flood coolant (relay), spindle on/off (relay), with growth (depending on cost) to a fourth axis and maybe some buttons/switches to play with while the chips fly. 

The problem is I have no idea where to start…there are so many options available how do you decide?  Does anyone have a list of components that are known good/compatible?  Do all I really need is the PC + Breakout board + servo drivers?

On the Ajax retrofit, it came with 2000 line digital encoders…where do I get them or do I even need them?  I know the accuracy/repeatability on my old machine was dramatically increased with the new encoders.

Thanks - Brian

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