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Messages - pzr

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Nema34 Problem
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:50:00 PM »
Thank you for all your replies.

Started to thinking the problem is with my laptop or driver settings. When I run the driver test, the pulsing is all over the place - far away from straight line:(
It varies between too slow, excellent and too fast etc
I have tried every possible settings for the parallel port in the bios, but the results are the still same

Checked the motor wiring with multimeter and seems to be fine

My next step is to try use PC instead of laptop and see if that help

General Mach Discussion / Nema34 Problem
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:22:48 PM »

Few weeks ago I bought following set from Longs motor on Ebay:


So Ive got:

* Nema34 1600 oz-inch steppers - with 4 wires: A+ red, A- green, B+ yellow, B- blue
* Dm860A Microstep drivers
* Power supply 350W 60V 5.85A
* Break out board with paraller cable connected to the laptop

   I'm using Mach3 (demo for now) on Windows Xp Pro to control it.So far I wired only 1 axis using 1 power supply, 1 driver, 1 motor etc I did it according to this file you can find in attach
ments I set microsteping to 1/8

   And here is my problem: The engine runs very rough and tends to jerk and stall. Changing Velocity and Acceleration in Mach3 doesn't help - believe me or not I've spent many days (and nights) trying different settings.To eliminate possible problems I've used other 3 motors, power supplies, rivers etc - problem still the same .So there is no problem with the set itself - I reckon.
   I run mach3 Driver test but I don't know what to think about it - mean during the test most of the time program says: system stable,excelent and occasionally pulse too slow or too fast - but there is no test results on finish like on any other test programs - so I'm a bit confused in this matter too.

 Here is a YT link wich shows how the engine spin:


Is there any mistakes you reckon I made?? I have no more idea how to set it up to get better result

Any comments will be helpfull. Thanks Yaz

Pages: 1