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Messages - BDGSimon

Pages: 1
Brains Development / Reusing Local Var's in Brain, Please Help!!
« on: November 12, 2012, 02:49:35 AM »
Hello All,

I have read in the Users Guide for Brain Developement that you will have difficulties re-using "UserVars", is this the same as the locals vars, V0, V1, etc?

I wish to reuse my V0 about 10 times and am worried that the brain i have developed is not going to work?

Please Help!!

General Mach Discussion / 12 bit spindle speed control with Mach3?
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:59:07 PM »
Hi All,

I am in the process of converting an old lathe that i have purchased to DSPMC/Mach3 control. I have noticed that rather than the typical 0-10V analouge speed control the controller for the spindle motor runs makes use of a 12-bit digital value to control the speed of the spindle...

I am thinking that i could use brains or write a plug-in to output the according 12 bit value over some of the output ports of my DSPMC controller.

Does this seem reasonable, does anyone know of a similar instance of this that they could refer me to or have any suggestions on the best way to tackle my problem?



Pages: 1