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Messages - mariod

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Dither
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:45:21 PM »
It is a DSPMC motion controller from Vital Systems.  The tuning is done on board this unit.  Do you think it is specific to this controller, or I have an issue with the PID parameters.

General Mach Discussion / Dither
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:35:24 PM »
We get a lot of dither with an analog servo drive system using Mach 3.  When the system is idle, the DRO for the axis will dither by a few hundreds of a millimetre.  The output voltage to the drive is low, but present.  Is there any way to eliminate the dither.  It is like the PID is oscillating slightly.  Thanks.

General Mach Discussion / Input 1.
« on: July 27, 2012, 07:43:35 AM »
I'm new to Mach.  We are having trouble integrating safety circuits into Mach 3.  We are trying to use input 1 as shown in the general options, but find that it does not inhibit manually jogging the axis.  It may work with gcode program execution, but does little in manual.  To follow safety protocols, the machine needs to be locked down completely when the safety circuit is active.  An EStop is not an option as the safety circuit is tripped frequently (in the form of a light curtain), and it would be a nuisance.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Pages: 1