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Messages - BPR

Pages: 1
Aloha Ron,

I recently purchased Mach3 and the NFS Wizard license. I am also fairly new to CNC, but am loving it so far. I have version 2.63 installed on my Mikini (the latest lock-down has issues with my mill), and I was wondering if the latest version of NSF Wizards (2.86) was compatible with Mach3 2.63? When I install the Newfangled folder in my addons and try to run the Wizard, I get an empty window and it crashes Mach. The release that came pre-installed with Mach3 2.63 runs fine, but I wanted to use the latest version of your Wizards. Can you tell me what I might be doing wrong?

And yes, I renamed it by deleting the 286 at the end. I restarted the machine, etc., But it still just hangs with an empty window.


Blue Planet Research/ Hawaii

Pages: 1