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Messages - Fool_4

Pages: 1
Isn't there a way to see the last g code issued and if a program was running and just fire off an m3 or m5 based on this? The arcok pausing the feed means no relying on ismoving or combined feed I am guessing?


This customer has literally thousands of burn files they are not one bit happy to edit.


Dang .fgc files isst vertboten?!?!

here is a file with a monkeyed extension.

Torchmate was losing connection to the sig gen to the point of NEVER WORKING. This works save the one issue. Please do you know who might have this plugin?


I just did a rush retrofit from Torchmate to Mach3 on a customer's Plasma burn table. All is well but all their burn files are missing the M3 and M5 to start and stop the "spindle" (torch in my case).
How do I issue an M3 whenever I am moving in a feed IE G1, G2, G3 and a M5 when leaving feed?

Thanks in advance,

Rocky (Fool_4)


Pages: 1