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Messages - rapunzel123

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General Mach Discussion / Re: machine not accurate
« on: November 25, 2011, 08:43:10 AM »
thank you all for your nice replies. my question is answered already. i just was wondering if i did something wrong in mach3 or if it could be something with my crappy ebay controller beside of some of my "build my own cnc router design flaws". i am now pretty sure that the problem comes from the machine. this is what i wanted to know. my machine at the moment is work in progress and i know the things which have to be changed. thank you very much so far!

next thing i will do is to change the spindles, couplings,... for the y-axis. at the moment i do drive the y-axis with two spindles and two motors. running the two motors in sync is something that causes troubles all the time so i will change this to work with one motor and two spindles with a belt drive. i also will use professional couplings then. i will see how this works out and if it turns out good, i will then replace the x-axis and last but not least the z-axis.

at the moment i am happy with the machine because it works like it can and i am looking forward to make it better.

have a nice day, all you nice people out there.

General Mach Discussion / Re: machine not accurate
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:01:07 PM »
i built the machine myself. the whole construction is quite solid (sorry for my bad english by the way:). i would never expect my machine to be as precise as for example +/- 0.01mm but i expect it to be in the range of +/-0.1mm. currently the precision is about +/- 0.5mm.

just to get it right: from your kind answers it seems more likely that the problem is the machine? for me this also would be logically the solution at the moment. what is strange to me is that even at very low feedrates it doesent get better and even at high feedrates it does not get worse.

so it seems that i will have some fun thinking, refining and maybe redesigning parts of my machine.

if anyone still has some ideas which do not regard to the mechanics but to common software or electronic problems please let me know. i think it would be helpful if i post a summary about the machine including the electronics and mechanics next time.

anyway, have a nice day and thank you so far.

ps.: yes, i did save the axis settings.

General Mach Discussion / machine not accurate
« on: November 23, 2011, 04:16:39 PM »
hi there i have a strange problem:

i did the "set steps per unit" process in the settings page of mach3 on x and y axes of my router. i did let the machine travel 50mm and measured it - it tells me 50.01 on the x and 50.02 on the y axis which is fine for me. problem is that when i draw a 40x40mm rectangle to be cut out in cut2D, export it as mach3 gcode and let it machine this the cut out part measures 39.56mm (x) and 39.73mm (y). i did try this with different speeds but the cut out piece is never near 40x40mm.

strange thing also is that when i change the steps per unit in the motor settings and then do the "steps per unit" process in the settings page of mach3 it still travels the right measurement. shouldnt it travel differently if i change the steps per unit in the motor settings?

of course i checked if my cutter is exactly 6mm (which is the cutter i have chosen in cut2d).

hmm, this is strange. it would be great if someone could send me some tips or ideas on what this f.... problem could be.

have a nice day out there!

Mach3 under Vista / Re: freezing newinstall of mach3
« on: November 23, 2011, 04:07:01 PM »
hi, i found my problem. basically placing the memory bars in the other ports of my motherboard helped. i am happy. no freezing.

Mach3 under Vista / Re: freezing newinstall of mach3
« on: November 16, 2011, 11:40:26 AM »
i found out why i always had crc errors. these come when i download mach using google chrome browser. tried it with internet explorer now it worked.

i also did update the flash.dll even when i do not use a flash screen at the moment.

still sometimes my machine simply freezes. there is no way to get it to live again. i am pretty sure that my windows is very clean and i am worried how to solve this issue. sometimes the machine runs a whole day without a problem, sometimes it freezes several times randomly. i can hear the fan of the pc speeding up and a second later the computer freezes.

if anybody could help - i would be super happy!

Mach3 under Vista / Re: freezing newinstall of mach3
« on: November 16, 2011, 06:20:46 AM »
please can anybody tell me why i can not install the newest mach3 version???

please help - see my last post for details.

Flash Screens / freezing
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:14:01 PM »
hi there,

i run mach3 on windows7 32bit. had problems with freezing computer. i am not absolutly sure yet but the freezing problem might come from the flash screen i designed. at the moment i run a clean mach3 install with the standard non-flash-screen and for hours the machine was working without a problem.

i do test the machine this way for one or two days more but in case it turns out that my flash screen causes the problem - has anyone an idea on how to solve the problem?

strange also is, that since i did clean install mach3, when i load my flash screen and then use one of the wizards (circular pocket,..) and then go back to the main screen of mach3 somehow parts of the non-flash-standard screenset and my flash-screenset are mixed up.

you lovely people out there help!

Mach3 under Vista / freezing newinstall of mach3
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:12:46 AM »
hi there,

i have some troubles which i hope you nice people out there can solve with me. i run mach3 under windos7 32bit. from time to time my computer freezes.

about my setup:

there are no background processes running - no antivirus, no network, no wireless,....
i did install the memoryoverride suggested for vista.

i deleted and unistalled mach3 from my machine including the mach3 pulse driver and did a reboot.
as i do not have a internetconnection on my cnc computer i did download the newest mach3 version on another computer. i did put it on a usb stick but when i try to install the new version on my cnc computer i get an error "a decompression error has occurred - file crc mismatch - data integrity error". i do not know what to do about this.

meanwhile i installed an older version of mach3 (which came with the controlboard). this installed ok.

my controllboard (TB6560) manual tells me to set mach3 on 35000hz what i did set. the driver test shows me 25000hz. am i missing something or is this ok. set this way driver test tells me that mach3 is under control and the performance is excellent - a nice line with very few very small spikes.

i read through the forum about the freezing topic and did all the suggested i have my parallelport set in the bios to bidirectional (EPP), i did uncheck "load startup items" in msconfig, did the vista patch and am running a clean windows7 32bit. it would be really great if somebody can help as i really want my machine reliable in working without me standing next to it.

have a nice day!

General Mach Discussion / Re: g0x10 moves to 9.9987
« on: October 15, 2011, 04:40:04 AM »
thank you for your replies!. i mean the dro-display. i calibrated my spindles in mach3.

General Mach Discussion / g0x10 moves to 9.9987
« on: October 14, 2011, 11:32:24 AM »
hi there,

my machine moves to 9.9987 when i tell it g0x10 - can anybody explain this to me?

have a nice day!

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