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Messages - rc

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Diagnostic Screen--No LED's lit for limit/home
« on: February 01, 2007, 02:42:26 PM »
Hello All!

On the diagnostic screen there is LED's that light up with the status; whenever I manually hit the home/limit switch for each axis, the DRO's light-up accordingly.  The problem is that on the status bar it says there is a limit switch active, but none of the LED's are lit saying so.  Also, when I hit the reset button, it resets for about 1 second and then immediately says the a limit switch is activated.  I've tested with a meter and they are fine.  (This is with the driver board off.)
Before this started, when I would shut down the driver board/power supply, I would get an audible beep and the reset button would flash--now there is no beep whenever it's turned on or off with Mach3 running. 
Can anyone give me any suggestions as to how to go about fixing this?  I've tried wiping everything out and starting from scratch--three times with no luck at all. 

Thanks, RC

P.S. Totally confused and frustrated. 

Pages: 1