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Messages - whitebear

Pages: 1
VB and the development of wizards / single axixs wizard
« on: November 04, 2010, 01:12:51 PM »
i need a wizard that will move on a single axixs up and down going a certian length make a mark with a razor blade attach to the bit then move the length and make the mark agian i am wondering if the is already a wizard or if one could be made

FAQs / Re: help me plz
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:13:09 PM »
ok i did that and it still din't work and i notice near the reset clear and history buttons on the bottom of the program there is text saying tool 0 = none and i tried to look it up in the manul and found nothing on it if you knew what it meant plz tell me thank you

FAQs / help me plz
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:05:28 PM »
ok at are school we have a new cnc mill and program we got it to run last year but it isn't working now the program runs but i think it doesn't send the data to the cnc mill we use the maxpath 42 and im the person that is basically my job to get it running since im independent study we have everything plugged in correctly we believe the mill does work we just can't movie it and no errors pop up when we start the program if you could help me plz and thank you

Pages: 1