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Messages - PACKRAT

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Led's on control panel
« on: September 09, 2010, 09:42:30 AM »
Hi All
I’ve been away from the cnc world for a little while, And now trying to catch up.
I’m making a new control panel and wont to put led’s on it to show the state of different things,
Now I don’t want to draw too much power from the pokey’s so I’m making this circuit to use external power For the led’s, but I’m not too good at electronic can someone tell me if this will work? There may be 6 to 8 led’s on at the same time.
Also thanks to Borisz and Scott, this little device works grate, and a special thanks to Scott for his service to this Country.

I’m still tweaking it, the movement after the tip contacts and probe activates is
To long “switch adjustment” but don’t have time right now to get back on it.
It’s not ready to sale right now, but I will look at making some to sale when it’s ready.
Don’t know what the price will be, what do you think (not looking at coast to make)
But what the hobbyist could afford.


It would be nice to sale some to get a little money back from my hobby.
But I will share the best I can; I just got an ideal and started making it,
All was done on my lathe using mach3turn and the wizards no cad.
I’ve tried to make a drawing so u can see how it’s made,
The body is made of Acetal rod and the ball is steel u need a spring at the switch holder and piston.
The switch is just a cheep radio shack, the next one I’ll get a better switch
I tested it 50 times with the mach3 plug-in “center of hole” it repeated the center by .0001
.0005 on one of the runs, if I turn the spindle 180 it was out by .0006 to.0009.
Sorry I’m not to good explaining it, but it dose work
Thanks Gary

I had a problem using my tool height touch off and my probe
My height touch off was active low, a peace of urethane with a peace of aluminum glue to it.
But the probe was active high, to use both I had to go in to ports&pin and change it back and forth, not well
So I come up with this probe (active low)
It can repeat at .0006
Out of round .0009
For me, that good enough.
It can be made (active high) to, the over all length is 5” but I think I can cut that back to 4”
This was just the prototype, just two hours to make it and that’s with a design change in
Mid stream.


My son was going to buy a throttle body spacer for his truck $90.00
I said let’s make one, so here we go
After we made the spacer we could not find the bolts
I said let’s make two, so here we go.

6x6x1 3/8 aluminum, found in scrape = 0
5/8 rod for bolts, found in scrape = 0
Time spent working with my Son = Priceless  :)
Three in one converted to cnc using mach3
Thanks Art for making this possible


Pages: 1