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Messages - YoDoug

Pages: 1
Ok, here goes. My son got me into yo-yos and being a machinist I wanted to make an aluminum yo-yo of my own. As it turns out they are considered pretty good playing yo-yos by many people so it has turned into a side business for me. I sell about 800-1000 a year through different online stores in 6 different countries. They retail around $100 dollars each. I sponsor a few kids around the country that compete in contests and such. Here is a video that one of them made using one of my older models. http://vimeo.com/3736468

As for the machining, the yo-yo is actually 2 halves with a bearing in between and an axle holding it together. All the tools are standard carbide tools from Iscar or Kennemetal. It takes 6 tools to make each half. I use Mastercam to program and Solidworks to design. I just make the prototypes myself and I source the production to local machine shops and anodizers. Here is a section view of the assembly. I'll try to post some screenshots of the toolpaths in Mastercam later when I have more time.


I just finished my first project on my lathe that was just finished last weekend. I was worried that it might vibe too much because I had trouble holding runout to the same tolerance as I do on the Haas lathes I made them in the past, but it plays pretty well and only minimal vibe.

Hello all,

First post here. I have 12 years of CNC programming/machining experience under my belt but am just now venturing into building my own CNC. I work as an MFG engineer/CNC programmer for a contract defense and firearms manufacturer as my day job. I also have a side business making high end machined yo-yos. I source the production yo-yo machining to local CNC shops but I need to do my own prototyping. Thats where building my own CNC comes in. I just bought a 7x14 benchtop lathe and my steppers and such for CNC conversion should be here in a week. I'm sure I'll have plenty of question when I get around to setting it all up. TIA.

Big Brother Yo-Yo Co.

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