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Messages - cncAnnette47

Pages: 1
FAQs / Re: Trying to use LazyCam for first time..
« on: May 25, 2010, 03:54:18 AM »
Thank you Rich!  Another question...I do computerized vinyl graphics and have tons of files that have been vectorized.  Can I use these same files if I save them in .plt format or maybe .wmf format?  I don't want to have to purchase yet another program just to get image files into the CNC Mach Program.  Hopefully having all these vector files can save me a few steps...but not sure.  I'm thinking that the idea is to get "line art" into the file and have it ready to "cut"...right?

Lazycam is used to IMPORT files into Mach, correct?  So much reading to do...heavy sigh.  The Mach screen is very intimidating, and I have no idea how to set up any of it yet..it would be great if I had a step by step guide as I don't seem to have as many brain cells anymore..haha.  Taking me forever, but I'm very determined.  Thank you for any advice or help!!


FAQs / Trying to use LazyCam for first time..
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:29:41 PM »
I have cnc all set up and would like to use LazyCam to do engraving..where might I find directions specific to LazyCam rather than the overall Mach3?  My brother uses a plasma cutter, and after looking at the setup including the cnc router I purchased, he said LazyCam would be best..need assistance please!

Pages: 1