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Messages - jamesrm

Pages: 1
VB and the development of wizards / Re: Home on Mach3 Startup
« on: December 15, 2011, 05:01:40 PM »
Oh I forgot to add and I also want to ensure the Soft Limits are turned on by default after 'homing'

Thanks again

VB and the development of wizards / Home on Mach3 Startup
« on: December 15, 2011, 05:01:04 PM »
Hi Guys,

I have had a search about however cannot seem to this (I am sure very simple) automatic action (macro?)

All I want to happen is for my machine to 'home' all the axis's when Mach3 first starts up.

Can anyone please help?

Many thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Slave Axis Homing
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:48:42 AM »
I guess what I am asking is how can I get the 4 axis/motor to not reference home!?

General Mach Discussion / Slave Axis Homing
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:43:42 AM »
I have a machine which has the normal x, y and z however the y axis is powered by two motors which I have slaved inside Mach3.

I have a proximity switch on each axis. When I reference the machine home the z axis will go up until the switch is activated which is correct. The Y axis (the Y and 4 motors working together) will then move back until the switch is activated which is also correct. The x will move to the right until that switch is activated which is also correct. Then the 4 axis by itself tries to home by itself obviously causing the machine to distaught (have to manually estop out very quickly) as the 4 motor is on the Y axis along with the Y motor but as the Y motor is not moving it will never reach the switch and the side the 4 motor is on will crash off the end of the machine.

I have attached screens below. I can see that the A home is activated in ports and pins screen however if I turn it off then then when the Y axis tried to reference only the Y motor moves and not the 4 motor meaning the machine distaughts until I have to estop out.

Any help really appreciated.

General Mach Discussion / GCODE/Mach3 Make Sound
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:47:32 AM »
Hi all,
Bit of a random thought, is it possible to add a line of code at the end of the GCODE programme created by MeshCAM to activate a sound? Obviously speakers etc attached and all setup correctly. We run a program which takes about 10 mins but is in a different room, this would really help us if it is possible?
Many thanks

Feature Requests / Lockdown Mach3
« on: December 22, 2009, 07:14:06 AM »
Just wondering whether it is possible to lockdown Mach3 settings before putting into a production environment. We are going to use with Children to teach CNC programming etc so only want them to be able to import GCODE etc and not play around with the other settings (ports and pins, motor tuning etc etc).

Is there anything like this available? If not...then maybe there should be? :)

Many thanks

General Mach Discussion / Lockdown Mach3
« on: December 22, 2009, 07:12:13 AM »
Just wondering whether it is possible to lockdown Mach3 settings before putting into a production environment. We are going to use with Children to teach CNC programming etc so only want them to be able to import GCODE etc and not play around with the other settings (ports and pins, motor tuning etc etc).

Is there anything like this available?

Many thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Paralell Port on PCI Card
« on: October 19, 2009, 09:21:11 AM »
OK I have fixed it myself so thought I would post for anyone for the future.

I had to go into Control panel > System > hardware > device manager

Open up the ports section then double click the PCI paralell port name. Go to the resources tab then note down the 'I/O Range'

I used these settings on the first page of the 'ports and pins' page in Mach3 instead of the default '0x378'

Pressed OK and everything came to life.


General Mach Discussion / Paralell Port on PCI Card
« on: October 19, 2009, 09:04:48 AM »
I have done a search but cannot find anything relevant to my problem.

I have bought a new PC to use solely for mach3 however I have bought one without a paralell port build onto the motherboard (I think these are becoming rare to find on new PC's). Therefore I have bought a PCI card with a paralell port on it and have installed and loaded the driver which all seems fine.

My problem is when trying to run my controller it does not seem to work. I have another PC with a built in paralell port which runs my controller with no issues. I am using the same setting for both PCs. Do I need to use different pin numbers on the machine with the PCI paralell port or is there something I need to do inside mach3 or in system\hardware on the PC to get the PCI paralell port working with mach3?

Many thanks for your time

Pages: 1