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Messages - cwaugs

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: re reference after e stop/limit switch
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:02:31 AM »
I totally agree and Thanks again for your help. Wayne

General Mach Discussion / Re: re reference after e stop/limit switch
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:01:37 AM »
The drives aren't faulting now because I have them tuned better than before. I was trying to run >250IPM with a big machine and even though more than that is easily possible, I need to mess with the tuning before I can crank it up. My main query is why when everything is setting still, pushing a limit switch will un home all three axes, but on my router, with soft limits disabled, hitting a limit only stops Mach from running the code. Maybe it is configured differently in that respect and that is what I am used to. I realize it would be better to re home on any out of parameter situation. Maybe I'll just stick with that mindset and continue setting up soft limits to keep that from happening, because hitting a soft limit doesn't lose home position.

General Mach Discussion / Re: re reference after e stop/limit switch
« on: November 18, 2009, 06:52:49 PM »
The step direction and 5V from the campbell board are connected to the drives and I have the drives wired to an unused limit input, and the drives will trip the e-stop when they error but will not reset the home led's.  I tried it today and without anything moving, just simply pushing any of the six limit switches un-homes all three axes on the  machine. I suppose I need to go through the setup videos and try to understand more of the options settings in the configuration of Mach. I can hit a limit switch on my router and it doesn't do anything with the homing. Thanks again, Wayne

General Mach Discussion / Re: re reference after e stop/limit switch
« on: November 18, 2009, 09:09:42 AM »
Is there a way to change the settings in Mach?  Only 1 axis needs to be moving and it resets all three. Thanks again, Wayne

General Mach Discussion / re reference after e stop/limit switch
« on: November 18, 2009, 12:50:02 AM »
I tried searching but no concrete answer. When any one of the three Viper drives E-stop the system, or hitting a limit switch, all three axes lose their green reference LED's then all three axes need to be re referenced. Why not just the one that screwed up??  P.S. Thanks again for a fantastic product as well as un-believeable support. The best! Wayne

Ah  figured out the decimal numbers I converted from the hex output of the encoder readout on the Vipers. X axis is 30079 which would be the encoder output times 4 which would be right as the handle turns approximately 5.5 times in an inch, times 1.5 gear reduction, times encoder resolution (which in this case is 1000/motor revolution), times 4 which is the quad output of the encoder after processing all of the signal changes in the encoder electronics which gives the magnified resolution.   I am documenting this so 5 years from now when I am building another one of these dudes I don't need to have to think so much to figure this out on my own since it seems to be so easy for the majority of the people doing this stuff that it is essentially undocumented anywhere I have searched. (And I have searched for hours)  Anyhow, Hope this helps somebody someday!  {:)
Now off to figuring out the viper Estop output to Campbell board interface.  Wayne

On the X,Y,and Z axes on My YCM-40 Supermax, there are three different results of the encoder readings per inch of travel. I'm using US Digital 1000 line encoders and the step multiplier is jumpered at 4 on the vipers. These figures are directly out of the Viper200's motor position output through the serial port on Windows Hyperterminal.
1" of travel on X axes =Hex reading from 0 to 757F  (which is 30079  in decimal numbers)
1" of travel on Y axes =from 0 to 8B02  which is 35586
and 1" of travel on Z axes =from 0 to 6387 which is 25479
How do I do the math to know what to enter as the "steps/inch"?   Do servo motors actually have "steps"? or is it dependent on the encoder resolution? Also on a side note, does anybody has a clue as to how to get the Viper200's to trigger an e-stop through the EPO terminal to Mach? I am seriously perplexed as to how to wire the entire EPO/E-Stop system. Any schematics would be greatly appreciated as I can deal with that!
I would be so relieved to bring this conversion to an end and get to machining!  Wayne

Pages: 1