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Messages - AJF

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 05:46:33 PM »
I started dropping the FRO rates and slowly the problem went away. I'm not quite understanding this, as the rates I initially used are what worked under Mach 2 just fine, but obviously seem to be high for Mach 3. Will keep trying different rates in the motoring tuning configuration until I find something that resolves the issue .
Thanks for your help

General Mach Discussion / Re: Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 04:34:46 PM »
The liftup is still happening at the end of the cut and the corners and radius are still not right. The machine seems to running smoothly but I'm starting to wonder if I'm loosing steps some were along the way. But when I do the axis calibration test it says everything is fine.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 04:27:39 PM »
I changed the lookahead and tried cutting the same files as in the picture but it made no difference. I also checked for backlash but everything is tight.
By the way thanks for your efforts I appreciate.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 02:52:34 PM »
I had been running Mach 2 for several years with no problems on my existing machine. I decided to upgrade to Mach 3 when I started using Aspire to learn more about 3d cutting. It wasn't till recently when I had to do some simple  2d cutting that I noticed this problem. It is actually more of a problem than I thought, if you look at the attached file were I tried cutting a series of squares with square corners, and radius corners then a circle and ellipse. You will notice that they all are distorted at the corners and incomplete, however the overall size of each is correct.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 01:25:24 PM »
I've attached 2 files as they both appeared to be modified about the same time.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 01:01:40 PM »
I'm not that familiar with the XML and as there are several listed, I'm not sure which one you might be referring to.

General Mach Discussion / Profile toolpath problem
« on: June 20, 2009, 11:14:45 AM »
I’m having a problem cutting a profile cut. I’ve created a simple rectangle with rounded corners that I want to cut with a V-bit. Everything looks fine when I preview it in Aspire. But when I run the cutting file on my machine; a ¼” before the end of the cut the spindle rises and leaves the cut unfinished. I thought initially that the ramping feature might be turned on but it is not. All other cutting seems to be working correctly except profile cuts.
I recently installed Mach 3 and I’m not sure if that might be the cause as I’m not yet fully familiar with all the settings in this program. Does anyone have any ideas that could help me. Which puzzles me the most is if I run this file on my old Mach 2 machine it runs fine completing the cut. Attached is the code generated by Aspire which I can't seem to find any problems with.

( Border-1 )
( Mach2/3 Postprocessor )

General Mach Discussion / Configuration file Mach 2 to Mach 3
« on: April 08, 2009, 04:01:58 PM »
I've been running Mach 2 on a older computer for years and have not upgraded to Mach 3 because the old computer did not meet the specifications. I have been given a computer that meets the Mach 3 specifications and I'm in the process of installing Mach 3.
 My question is can I take the existing configuration in Mach 2 and easily transfer it into Mach3 without going through all the configuration screens. Is there a file in Mach2 that I could just copy into Mach3 with these settings.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Gantry Jerk at Reset
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:13:02 PM »
I'm having the same problem. It started 2 days ago and I've checked to see if any settings have changed and I haven't found anything. I've been running various versions of Mach over several years on the same machine and this is the first time I've encountered this problem. Has anyone found the cause and the solution to it.
It happens several seconds after after I shut down down the computer but while the controller is still powered on. Only happens on the x axis and is about a 1/4" of movement in the positive direction.

Pages: 1