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Messages - Twurf

Pages: 1
SmoothStepper USB / Re: SmoothStepper and laptop without ground....
« on: December 01, 2008, 10:37:32 PM »

I tried it this weekend! Works like a charm! No connection issues (and no white smoke ;D)! I am really new to the whole CNC thing but setting up the smoothstepper with my xylotex box was a simple plug and play operation! Worked right away. I have no opto board....just the Laptop -> smoothstepper (powered by the usb and not extra grounded)-> xylotex 4 axis box.
My Sidewinder CNC is doing 350 ipm rapids absolutely reliable (acceleration set to 10). Even 500 ipm worked but this is really not necessary on that small machine...

I love the smoothstepper...you can use other programs on your laptop while the machine is running through the g code...awesome!

Thanks for your help!

SmoothStepper USB / Re: SmoothStepper and laptop without ground....
« on: November 27, 2008, 07:33:01 PM »
Thanks for your thoughts, shadow!

I'm more concerned about the smoothstepper itself than about the laptop... The laptop is designed to run without a ground. The question is what happens when the laptop builds up a potential and this would run through the USB port/smoothstepper into the ground...(if this is possible at all... I have no idea...  :D)

I thought the makers of the smoothstepper are here in the forum. I was hoping they could give me an answer...



SmoothStepper USB / Re: SmoothStepper and laptop without ground....
« on: November 22, 2008, 10:12:49 PM »
Hi...nobody an idea?

SmoothStepper USB / SmoothStepper and laptop without ground....
« on: November 20, 2008, 10:43:32 PM »

I just received my Smoothstepper and I would like to use it with my Toshiba M30 laptop and a 4 axis Xylotex "ready to use" driver box.
Since I am a Newbie and heard about all the dangers coming from ground loops, power spikes etc. I was wondering if it could be a problem for the Smoothstepper that my laptop does not have a grounded power source. The AC plug is only a two pin...no ground line.

Thanks for your inputs!


Pages: 1