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Messages - sorincnc

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Arc Radius and cutter radius
« on: December 24, 2006, 04:26:29 PM »
Thank you for letting me know about that because I was starting a new post processor to be use with Bobcad and wasn't aware of it. I always had the H and D on my line (perhaps too familiar with the Fanuc and Haas controlers). Anyway, a D word in the same line as the G41/G42 will allow the user to use 2 different d offsets for the same tool for semifinish and finish passes. I use that all the time where I use D 21 to semifinis a part  (I add about .005 to the tool dia there) and D 1 for finish path (corect tool dia). That will be for T1  and so forth.
Merry Christmas!
Sorin Nenu Cad-Cam Trainer

General Mach Discussion / Re: Arc Radius and cutter radius
« on: December 24, 2006, 11:57:09 AM »
Hi there,
I am new here so I need to tell you a bit about my self. Iam a independend contractor that does al the training for Bobcad. I also own a machine shop where we make custom parts for motorcycles, hot roads and so on. I have Mach 2 on one of my old mills that I didn't wanted to part with it. I use the Fanuc post processor and it works fine for me (I will try to set one up just for Mach and when I do that, I will post it here). Anyway, My post outputs after each H value a D value that always matches the tool number and height (tool lenght\G43). That way when a tool change is made and the TL is picked up, the controll also knows the tool diemater. If you don't use the D value, it is possible that each time you will be using G41/G42 it will remember the last value that it has read. Just a heads up, if you have inside corners that are the same value as your tool cutter, you might run into trouble, also using cutter comp. allows you to tweak the size of the part. I will always use a smaller tool then the inside corners so I can adjust the size of my part. Think about this: Thbe inside corners are 125, the tool is .25 dia (.125 rad) and now you need to make the part let's say .002 bigger all around. You will need to lie to the control that tool dia is .252 (.126 rad) so now you are going to get all the cutter comp errors....
Just my 2 cents,
Merry Christmas to you all
Sorin Nenu Cad Cam Trainer

Tangent Corner / Re: It's ok to call it Christmas !
« on: December 24, 2006, 11:37:55 AM »
Same here.  I am new to this forum but wanted to wish everyione here and to your families a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR
Sorin Nenu - Cad Cam trainer

Pages: 1