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Messages - Mogal

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Todays's Computer hardware.
« on: December 04, 2017, 03:30:12 PM »
lol, I forgot about this thread...

I ended up replacing the whole computer. Installing Win7-32bit with an add in PCI-PP card.
I ended up having just as many issues with it, not with crashing, but with losing steps.
Closest I could pinpoint the problem was with the add in PP card. the frequency would
bounce around 10-20hz all the time. It would lose positioning of around 1/2" in about an
hour of run time.

After a few months of fighting, re-wiring the entire machine, I gave up on Mach3 and the PP card.
I picked up a UC-CNC UC300ETH breakout board and software. Haven't lost a single step since.
Super smooth motion, and even faster speeds all around with the new hardware/software setup.  8)

I had a good run with Mach3 but it was time to drop the old hardware. I'll never look back.

Sounds like this is a NEW setup?

I have no experience with the control board, but lots with grounding issues ;)

You say everything is pretty close together, so control, power and sensor lines are pretty close to?
Did you utilize a star grounding point? If everything is so close together, it can cause cross talk in the lines.

My setup had everything really close together too, and gave me problems until I ripped the wiring apart
and re-wired the works, paying close attention to detail with grounding EVERYTHING to a single point.

I'm not losing steps anymore.

CS-Lab / Re: Jerky movement between strait movements and curves.
« on: June 09, 2016, 07:59:48 PM »
Is the exact stop checked in Mach settings?
(You'll want to use CV (constant velocity) but may lose detail depending on your speed and acceleration)

From my understanding Mach3 wont work on windows 10.
Only Windows 7 32bit and older.

Try that, and let us know what happens.

I just upgraded my computer as well. Went from WinXP to Win7(32bit) and running as good as before.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and probe trouble shooting.
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:17:39 AM »
Okay, I think I got it.
just tweaking down my steps per inch.

I ran a 3 hour code tonight, and not a single error!
and when clicking "VERIFY" in mach3 after the code, all axis returned <0.0005"

Very happy with that.

My only issue I have now is the frequency of the parallel port. Its at 23,380hrz
So everything is 'slow'... setting a speed of 172ipm returns 160ipm.

but if its going to run error free now, I'm okay with that!  ;D

General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and probe trouble shooting.
« on: April 08, 2016, 06:41:15 PM »
Well, I "THINK" everything is back in order, still doing some tests.

Turns out I had a bad limit switch that grounded out through the mounting screws...
That caused 5v power going to the framework of the machine, which in turn caused the probe to act sporadically.

So now that the limit switch is fixed, everything is working as it should.
I'm back to a ZERO debounce without any triggers :) even when homing!


General Mach Discussion / Re: Limit switch and probe trouble shooting.
« on: April 08, 2016, 12:28:49 AM »
uhg... A bum limit switch... so frustrating...

General Mach Discussion / Limit switch and probe trouble shooting.
« on: April 06, 2016, 03:12:38 PM »
Okay, this one has me completely baffled.

I just finished rewiring my entire machine, and utilized a star point ground this time.
All electrical noise 'seems' to be eliminated. I can set the debounce at zero, and nothing triggers.
(although my limit switches are slow to respond, and require 500u secs to not trigger when homing)

I've done continuity tests on all three sets of limits(x,y,z), and all (manual) tests are correct.

X+ X- and Z+ Z- operate correctly, Y- works correctly, but Y+ does not trigger at all (manually it does)
Through Mach3 diagnostic screen, I can see the limits activate as i test them. Y- will blink randomly when held down, and Y+ not at all.
Again, manual tests with a multi meter, tests both Y+ and Y- as working right.

My Probe on Z seems to do the same thing. When Probing for Z hight, it triggers in the air at random points, but tests correctly manualy.

Hope this all makes sense (at least in the description) cuz in real life, I'm baffled and cant locate the issue on this one.
This weekend, I'll be rewiring the probe and Y limits, with the hopes it is somehow faulty switches.
But maybe its the C10 BOB?

P.S. I use mechanical switches and would like to upgrade/improve the timing/functions of them and looking for options.

I also use a C10 BOB, and wouldn't mind upgrading that too. ESS is on the horizon, but cost is a factor at this time.
I'd like to get away from the PP all together and just get a full motion controller.

General Mach Discussion / Re: parallel port
« on: March 31, 2016, 09:36:27 PM »
yes, plus OS.

General Mach Discussion / Re: parallel port
« on: March 31, 2016, 05:22:28 PM »
I myself gave up on second hand computers. I went with a new build. Put it together for under $200.
Other have had good luck with used. I have not. As for parallel ports, I added in a PCI-E PP card.

You can check out newegg(I use the Canadian site)

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