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Messages - ballard

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Configuration Issues
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:53:06 PM »
I looked into my problem some more.  I found that the signals that I'm trying to send to my breakout board using Mach 3 are not ending up going where I have them set to go on the breakout board.  5 volts DC  is always sent to the X-Step, X-Dir, Y-Step, Z-Step and Ax-Step pins on my breakout board.  This doesn't change when I change my breakout board between using computer ground (for my Geckodrive G203V driver) and using 5 volts DC offset.

Also, the Y-dir signal is being sent to my OUT1 pin, the Z-dir signal to OUT2, and the Ax-dir signal to OUT3.  I am using the XML file that was provided for use with my soundlogic breakout board.  The program is not sending the signals to the pins that it should be sending them to.  I thought that it might be a problem with my parallel port ribbon cable, but I got a new one and the problem is still there.

I only this system to drive a single motor, so I tried switching up the output pins, so that the signals go the the correct pins.  I am trying to run the motor on the y-axis, and set it up so that I can send the y-dir signal to the correct pin.  However, I can't send the y-step signal to the correct pin, as the y-step pin always has 5 volts sent to it, as I mentioned above.  I tried sending that signal to one of the other output pins, but can't get that to give me very much amperage, for some reason.

Has anyone seen something like this or have any ideas on how to fix it?

General Mach Discussion / Configuration Issues
« on: July 25, 2008, 01:32:29 PM »
I am trying to run a single stepper motor using Mach3, but I can't get the motor to run.  I am using a Campbell breakout board and a Geckodrive G203V driver with my motor.  I can't get the motor to respond to any Mach3 commands, but when I turned off the power to the breakout board and driver while Mach3 was still running, the motor turned a little bit.  It seems that things are hooked up, but I don't have Mach3 configured correctly.  Does anyone have any ideas on fixing this problem?

Pages: 1