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Messages - lugnut60

Pages: 1
The Mach 3 DRO's provide two different readouts. ...

Thanks for your response!

I'll be taking a closer look at what you wrote. Will post again if there are any other questions.

General Mach Discussion / "Homing" Mach3 without using home switches
« on: July 16, 2008, 12:11:01 AM »
From the document, Using Mach3Mill...

"If you do not provide a 'home switch' then you will have to jog the axes by eye to a reference position. The home switch for an axis can be at any coordinate position and you define this location."

The mill on which I am trying to set up Mach3 does not have home switches. The documentation does not further explain how to "eyeball" a home position. Does anyone know how to do this? If there is already a forum thread covering this topic/issue, could someone give me a link to it?

Help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Pages: 1