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Messages - quarryone

Pages: 1
Hi, I'm sort of new to this stuff. Always been a techno geek of sorts. A few months ago I bought a Shoptask Patriot which is a combination lathe/bridge mill. So far I am happy with the machine although I have had to do some major tweaking. I really thought it would be more "out of the box" ready but it needed help. The CNC portion was very amateurishly done. I wish I had just done that portion on my own. It was a lot of money added to the purchase price and I have had to redo just about everything. The good news is, I've jumped light years ahead on CNC operations and capabilities.

Who knew metal was so expensive? I needed stuff to mill so I built a foundry to pour ingots and other castings out of scrap. Works great. There is a video on youtube if you are so inclined to see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gR44MfGYKs

Pages: 1