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Messages - Deon Gerber

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Is this still available.


Thanks Graham. Will keep that in mind.

Hi Graham

Thx. That looks like its been solved. Am I safe to assume that it does not like the numerical value of 1.

Thanks for the help.



Sorry for the confusion. You are correct. The last post I showed the VBscript that runs to output the GCode in the first post.
The VBscript runs with out any errors showing up in Mach3's VB editor. But the toolpath do not display in the toolpath window. When you exit the Wizard then Mach3 is complaining about a bad carracter in the gcode. (The line I mentioned in the first post)
If I remove the [1-Cos[#104]] then Mach3 do not complain about the code anymore. Telling me that the format in that part of the equation is the problem.
Obviously the output gcode is then not what I need, thats why I asked if there was a way to simplify that part of the equation in the VBscript.
Hope all will make better sense now.
Thanks for trying to help.

Hi Graham
Thanks for the tip. I have done the following.
' G1X [Tan[Ang / 2]]*[R*[1 - Cos[#203]]]  A#203

Setvar(101,  tan(Ang/2))
Setvar(102,   R)
Setvar(103,   D)
Setvar(104,   Num)
Setvar(105,   ADiv)

Code "G1 X [#101*[#102 *[1-cos[#104]]]] A#104"
Code "#104=[#105+#104]"

It seems to not be happy with the 1-cos[#104] part of the macro.

Not sure how to reduce this into a single Var because with the line just after that #104 gets update by an increment each time for the rest of the cycles the sub is running.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Thx for the reply. Now that you mentioned R...........Mabe I must also declare R and Ang as variables(setVar). I had .a problem with my normal naming syntax of variables whate I used an A as Angle........it did not like that. Interfered with A Axis. Will try it when I get home. Thanks

VB and the development of wizards / Unknown Word starting with a , Block
« on: November 01, 2020, 02:02:58 PM »
Hi all

Please Help.
I get the above error while posting code generated by a Wizard Script that I am working on.
I do not get errors in the Script editor but only while posting to Mach3.

Full error Message:

Unknown Word starting with a , Block G1X [Tan[Ang / 2]]*[R*[1 - Cos[#203]]]  A#203 on line 11

Been trying all afternoon to find the problem but no luck.

A nudge in the right direction will be appreciated.


Full code to follow.

G0 G40 G54 G90 G49 G17 G50 G64 G91.1 G94
G0 Z95
G0 A0.000 X0.000  F6
M98 P01 L72
G92 X
M98 P02 L180
G1X [Tan[Ang / 2]]*[R*[1 - Cos[#203]]]  A#203

Any chance they are still available

Bargain Basement / Re: CSMIO/IP-A + ENC Module
« on: November 01, 2018, 04:37:58 PM »
is this still available seeing the last post was in 2016

Hi DaBase

Thank you. Received my screen set just now. Maybe you should consider changing your purchase instructions. At the moment it states that should you have a diferrent email then you must add it in the comments of the PayPal payment. Maybe ask for customers to add there email regardless.

Having had a quick look at your macros I am very impressed as to what I see. Especially the fact that it will work with CSMio. Have not tested it on my CSMio system yet but will report back when I do.
Had a mill set from Calypso ventures but they could not get there's to work with CSMio.
I do have a servo driven 4th axis that I use for light mill turn operations.
Question.........If I buy the Ease-eTurn screen as well. Would I be able to use it in mill turn opps?

All you guys out there with CSMio I think this was worth my wait.  Will report back after working with it for a while. . 

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