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Messages - usfwalden

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General Mach Discussion / Thread Milling hardware requirements?
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:31:56 PM »
So I'm setting up my first cnc mill.....
and I want it to be able to do thread milling...
What are the hardware requirements?

I'm assuming I need good spindle location feedback like an indexed encoder, correct?  What about spindle speed control?  I don't know; that's why I'm asking.

Thanks in advance

Galil / Re: Mach3 + Galil
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:18:09 PM »
Too late, I have a galil 2160 sitting on my Kitchen table.

If you would like to probe I would stay away from the Galil at this time... I have boards and so on on the way so I can test the Galil on the new router that I have here but I have no idea how long it is going to take me to get this all working :( I need about 3 more of me to keep up with the work load :(

I think the best thing to do at this time is to make a machine that will run from a desktop computer and change it over to a Smooth stepper as soon as they are out ;)


I've received my galil 2160 control and the weg variable speed drive for the 3 phase spindle today.  I returned the 500 line encoders without indexes and ordered the 1000 line encoders with indexes having been able to machine the motor mount plates to fit the new encoders in place of the resolvers since externally the 500 and 1000 line encoders are identical.

I sure hope the new plan is the final plan...since I already purchased the galil contol.  I had already purchased the 500 line non indexed encoders from US Digital and dropped them along with my motors and motor mount parts off at a machine shop to have the mounting plates modified to mount the encoders but the 1000 line indexed encoders are externally, physically identical so I'll be able to swap them.

Hopefully the admins don't take a dissliking to me.  After not getting any response to my queries on plugin status in any of the applicable threads (I posted in all of them) I emailed and posted the suggestion that they update the status info and make it a policy to keep it updated.

So anyway...now I'll be using a galil control and am charging ahead with the project.

I'm setting up a machine to run with mach and have been trying to make informed hardware choices to work well with mach mill.  Unfortunately there isn't any current information on the status of ANY of the plugins to interface with devices that do the timining externally and alow interfacing through usb or ethernet.

I don't know, maybe nothing has changed in the last year but it's been long enough since any updates have been made that it seems reasonable to ask and receive an answer.  This is really a suggestion more than a complaint so please take the tone as a playful poke not an irate rant.  I'm just posting in every way in every place I can reasonably think of since my requests/efforts thus far have not produced a helpful response.


Here's the new, new plan:

Galil DMC-2160 stand alone control which i purchased used connected to mach on my laptop over ethernet
Galil AMP-19540 amp which I am purchasing new from galil
using my 60v power supply from the bandit that I'm scrapping
H5MD-1000I  1000 line encoders with indexes from US Digital on my xyz axiis--I'll figure out the 4th axis motor and encoder after I am running

Galil / Re: Mach3 + Galil
« on: March 07, 2008, 05:10:53 PM »

What state is the Galil DMC over ethernet plug-in in?

I'm  setting up (finally charging hard on this) a large mill to run with mach mill and need to make some decisions that are all held up on my decision of plug-in route to go.  If anyone cares to look, the thread on my particular machine is here:  http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php?topic=3990.new#new

I really want a stable set up that I can run from a laptop so I've been looking at usb/ethernet connections to something that does the timing externally.  I also have a lot of limit and home switches and relay controlled devices so a parallel port really doesn't have the IO.   I also have a large camco rotary table I am adding to the machine so being able to use higher count encoders with indexes will be very helpful.  For all those reasons a galil controller over ethernet is really looking good if the plug-in is fully functional.

What about contact probing and tool setting?  I'd like to use the tp1000 probe with this.

Thanks,  that really doesn't look encouraging.   What do you think of the ncpod over usb with the gecko drives vs a galil over ethernet with galil drives?

I think the only reason they put 60v if it is actually 60v is to keep the feed speed controllable, by my estimate at 60v the motors will give you ~190ipm rapid.
It this case you will need a higher count encoders at least 1000 cpr. Because the 500 cpr will give you .0004 between counts.

Have you read this thread about the g100:


Ya i wish i were hearing more feed back (particularly on the plugin situation) but oh well.  I've also started considering using a galil controler and drives through ethernet.  It occurs to me that will end up working out much better for the 4th axis.  With a large rotary table I think I'm going to need a much higher count encoder to get any resolution on high diameter parts and an index in order to home it.  Of course the galil plugin is listed as prototype.......

I'll post in the galil plugin development thread.  So far no response in the g100 or ncpod plugin threads but then it's only been a day.

NC Pod / ncpod plugin is final..is ncpod done?
« on: March 07, 2008, 12:06:12 AM »
I have a large mill with lots of switches and relays and I'm putting a vfd on the spindle motor and I'd really like to run it with mach on a laptop with usb.  I see the ncpod plugin is listed as a final full version on the artsoft website but I can't find the ncpod anywhere to purchase it.

I also saw in the development thread that there was a timing issue with the beta units.  Was that fixed and there is now a fully functional ncpod available for purchase somewhere?

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