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Messages - django013

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Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 06, 2017, 12:33:00 AM »
Did you received my translations? Could you have a look at it already?

The fixture-sample seems not to work (see picture below).
Additionally the values of the axis looks quite strange to me.
All axis where set to 0 when I entered the fixtures in the dialog grid. I then closed the dialog to refresh my notebook page and reopened the dialog again.
What's about the value of the A-Axis? I find no way to calculate the displayed dro-Value from the fixtures entered. Even if I take into account, that the A-Value might wrap at 360° (will it?)

The fixture-dialog seems to use a different value of mc.MC_FIXTURES_START - or why don't I get the values, when I coded the formula from your sample?

I'm very lucky - the smoothstepper arrived yesterday :)
Looking at the config dialogs of smoothstepper leads to the question: when do I need to code a plugin and what can be done with modules?

Don't know, whether I got it right: I read in faq of smoothstepper, that mach changes location of poundvars between releases.
Really? - or is it my/some misunderstanding?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: accessibility of lua functions?
« on: May 06, 2017, 12:04:14 AM »

build 3384 broke this rule. Now no declarations from screenload script are recognized and I can not access functions. I added there.

What's the new way of doing it right?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:54:37 AM »

I noted a behaviour that looked strange to me:
I changed the enabled-state of the Jog-buttons to be enabled when idle only

The button has as down-function the jog-action and as up-function stop jogging.

I could press the button in idle state, but the release-function did not fire. I couldn't stop the motion. Not with stop-button, not by opposite-button.
I had to power off the machine.

It took a while until I understood, what happened: the enable-condition is checked for press-down and release each. Does that behaviour make sense?

From my point of view, the check for the release action makes sense only when there's no press-down function attached.
But may be, I don't see all aspects ...

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 04, 2017, 03:32:16 AM »
The probed locations are stored in #5061 to #5066  (X to Z user coordinates and #5071 to #5076 for the machine coordinates.
Afaik linuxcnc works the same way.

It is actually quite an elegant system the more you study it.
I didn't get deep into fanuc, but from what I know, I like the macro features. Quite nice.

The example is fixed and will be in the next build.
Thank you very much!

But Linux is an unholy mess of different distributions and everyone has their favorite.
poor conclusion but very true!
I worked with many os and tried many linux flavors - I guess it was 05 when I found the most stable flavor and I did not changed since then. No problems, even on major updates and the os let me do what I want and does not force me to do things, the os wants to be done ;)

What about licenses. Will a windows-license be valid on linux systems?
May be next week I'll get my smoothstepper, so that would be the time to think about buying a license.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:19:15 AM »
It is just that we don't have people asking for anything but Fanuc.  It is what people know.
That's completely fine.
What I don't understand: why you let fanuc customers influence your mach internals like memory organisations.
I wrote lots of interpreters too and one thing is the syntax you have to process and a very other part is the internals of your applications memory.

... anyway - its your business and I don't wonna argue on your decisions :)

Can you explain me, what's the work shift and head shift? I understand the words, but I don't know the meaning in machining. Is it a lathe issue?
I don't know such things from milling.
When/where does those values come into play?

Can you fix the sample? There are a lot of unknown items I don't know how to find out on myself.

I'm hoping to get time to bring the Linux port up to speed soon.
So do I :D
If there ever is something I can do/help on that item, please let me know.
If OEM is related to nondisclosure, I'll sign anything needed - but if OEM is about making money, I'm not your man.

cheers Reinhard

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:22:44 AM »
I didn't imagine, that anybody can spent a dime in compatibility to fanuc =:O
In this part of the world, fanuc is synonym to evil :D
... and no - I don't want to read a fanuc manual.

Mach Industrial has ...
Hey, you're a good seller :D

But the fee is too much for me. If you're interested in help on a linux variant, we can talk about working together ...
Currently I can't work to get my cnc-machine ready, so I spend my time getting into mach ...
I'm nearly 60 years old and hobby should stay what it is ;)
I'm creating a new screen, cause I want to recognize the machine state from the other side of the room (5-6m) and my eyes became weak ...

I think you can imagine - that if you worked for many years for professional business only, your mind has changed toward professional. But that does not mean, that your budget has increased too ;)

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:08:20 PM »

more important than the constant values is the knowledge about the array content.

I'm too stupid for the mcLuaEditor - the watchwindow doesn't work for me at all. At least it does not work like the watchwindows, I know from other devtools. I can enter a variable name, but the watch window does not show the content of the variable and I can't enter a new value ...
The only way to inspect a value is the flyover-tooltip, but I didn't find a way to modify the content of a variable (during debug session).
So I don't know, how to access the global table or any other value for inspection :(

... and I don't understand the difference in api: tooltable entries are pretty easy to access. The api is straight forward.
The fixtures access looks somewhat crappy/complex to me. So as if you would say: don't touch these items, they are my proprietary ...

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 03, 2017, 09:54:09 AM »

I tried to access the fixtures according the provided sample "Fixture Offset Table.mcs". The sample fails at GetID() where it accesses mc.FIXTURES_START
Looks like that constant is not defined. So what am I doing wrong?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 03, 2017, 07:36:53 AM »
First of all: 3382 looks pretty good. Way smarter, than the both releases before :D

Related to my notebook-problem: I happened to note, that the first notebook-tab does the same, as the second. No other page shows this.
Could it be, that the first tabpage executes the script of the second page accidently?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: more lua (?) questions
« on: May 03, 2017, 02:00:52 AM »

I have a strange error:
I can't switch to tab "man. Fahrt" by property call. I already renamed the tab, but no way. Stepping through debugger raises no error, but doesn't change gui either.
I wanted to synchronize the little notebook with the main notebook in that way, that when I activate the "Einrichten" tab, the "man. Fahrt" tab should be active. When I activate "GCode ausführen" tab, then the "Maschine" tab should be active.
The strange thing is, synchronization works for GCode page, but not for "Einrichten" page.

Any idea how I could narrow the bug?

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