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Messages - da21

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With out hoggin the thread , yes i have been there and had the same similar results , your not alone .
i now do mostly as Jeff has suggested , it works !

a lot of companys do not realise the amount of work or experence , let alone years of knowledge needed of some machines .
retrofitting machines is not a fast process either   

as with all PC'S & Electronics  ,people think it's easy , and therefore cheap as chips ,

our work and computers  should carry a Goverment health Warning !


General Mach Discussion / Re: Fried 2nd Computer (Newbie)
« on: June 05, 2008, 03:25:23 AM »
if you can point us towards information on the C10 , a diagram etc , and the power supply your using for the steppers , more information the better , always helps ,  i'm sure we can find the problem
i hope your not trying to power the steppers via the BOB ! , sounds much like an incorrect wiring problem   


General Mach Discussion / Re: home swithes problem
« on: June 05, 2008, 03:07:35 AM »
get back to us when you have a diagram , makes life so much easier , i'd guess the x & y axis switches are either wired incorrectly
or the state of mach's configuration may be wrong , it may also be the bios setting for your pc's printer port , so as you can see without a diagram it's difficult to trace through .

Has this mill been working before with mach or is this all new


General Mach Discussion / Re: First Post: Total Noob question
« on: June 05, 2008, 03:01:05 AM »
the l298's dont have any feedback , they are very basic driver chips ,  if you have shaft encoders fitted then you don't need to use Tach's , the encoders have better resolution , you then can have more modern controller's do most of the work .

Tacho's are mostly old hat and were used for older analog drive systems.


General Mach Discussion / Re: First Post: Total Noob question
« on: June 04, 2008, 05:05:51 PM »
As Hood says , you'll need a more intelligent controller made for servo motors , rather than stepper motors they work totaly differently , using the encoders for positional information , i'd leave the tacho's alone though , no good spoiling a good job half way through .

if you need a controller take a look at Kmotion from Dynomotion.com
if your up to wiring it in , you'll probably still need the actual fitted servo drives or you could use a snapamp
just my thoughts etc


General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 hiccups - Please Help
« on: June 04, 2008, 11:07:33 AM »
i'd run the pump from it's own supply , seperate from the pc if you can
it sounds more like a noise problem or the pc supply being switch mode probably can't handle the spikes and surge when the coolant motor starts up , hence the slight hickup . so seperating out the supply will help


General Mach Discussion / Re: home swithes problem
« on: June 04, 2008, 05:13:35 AM »
check your port input pin configurations and motor configurations , you may find they need to be reversed or enabled

do you have a wiring diagram for the machine ?


General Mach Discussion / Re: home swithes problem
« on: June 04, 2008, 03:19:34 AM »

your problem could be a number of things so lets take it one at a time !
you dont mention what type of switches you have , if they are microswitches or magnetic reed type etc

i'll presume your

the switches need to be connected between your ground connection  and the mach3 signal pin on your parallel port , they should also have a 470 ohm resistor ( although the value is not critical ) between 5v and the mach 3 signal pin on your breakout board

if you have a multimeter you should be able to check this easily by connecting it across the input pin and ground , using dc range of say 20v , operating the switch should give you 0v when the switch is operated ( i.e closed ) and 5v

i suspect you'll find the voltage swing only goes part way , or you do not have any voltage supplied via a resistor ( called a pull up ) . and your relying just on the switch .

get back to me with a few details on how the switches are connected and we'll find the problem


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: Bill's new machine
« on: June 04, 2008, 02:52:19 AM »

Hi Bill,

mine is 600w , table cutting area is 6' square 
you can see some pic's on cnczone here , the Laser is the grey cabinet in the second picture 



place the shuttle pro dll in your mach3 plugins directory ,
restart mach3
go to config menu , select config plugins , you should then get a popup message box showing plugins , you should find a green tick to the left of shuttle pro  this shows it's enabled (  if not select the red x and it will change to a green tick )
mouse click on the yellow config box , should bring up your shuttle pro configuration screen


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