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Messages - SwiftyJ

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FRO won’t change G0 moves, you will need to use rapid rate override for that

It should store both
#5061-#5066 is probe position X-C axis in part coordinates
#5071-#5076 is probe position X-C axis in machine coordinates

Alternatively you can just use mc.SV_PROBE_POS_Z (#5063) or mc.SV_PROBE_MACH_POS_Z (#5073) with mcCntlGetPoundVar

From my understanding with an automatic tool change is that you do not probe tool length after each tool change. Each tool is measured outside of a job and the data entered into the tool table. Tool 1 is your master tool with 0 offset value, and every other tool offset is reference to this. Your M6 macro will just control a physical changing of the tool via the ATC and the offset is applied using G43 H# where # is the tool number. Someone correct me if I am wrong

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Z home before cycle start
« on: March 06, 2022, 03:46:08 AM »
What are you trying to do?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Z home before cycle start
« on: March 04, 2022, 10:20:19 AM »
You can home axes via gcode using G28.1

Axis 3 is A axis, Axis 4 is B axis. Try enabling all axes and see if it works

Seems like the API call needs to only command the enabled axes rather than all of them.

Is the error message preventing the machine from moving?

The keyboard plugin has outputs that you can map to a Mach4 output. See attached image.  There is two options, one to disable keyboard, and another to disable keyboard inputs completely.

There is also a scr API call to return the window title which you can monitor in the PLC script and then if it does not equal the whatever is shown at the top of your window you can turn off the output.
Code: [Select]

Ok, I've ended up doing it for you  ;D Just drop this in your PLC script. You will need to check the mapping of the keyboard enable in the outputs and modify the code. Also the search term "Mach 4" can be changed depending what is shown at the top of your window.

Code: [Select]
local windowText = scr.GetActiveWindowText() --Get the window title text
local find = string.find(windowText, "Mach 4") --Search for "Mach 4" in the window title.
local hKeyboardOutput = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT1)
local keyboardOutputState = mc.mcSignalGetState(hKeyboardOutput)
if find ~= nil then
--"Mach 4" was found i.e. Window is active
if (keyboardOutputState == mc.MC_OFF) then --Only turn on the output if it is off
mc.mcSignalSetState(hKeyboardOutput, mc.MC_ON)
--"Mach 4" was not found i.e. window minimised or lost focus
if (keyboardOutputState == mc.MC_ON) then--Only turn off the output if it is on
mc.mcSignalSetState(hKeyboardOutput, mc.MC_OFF)

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Error Message
« on: March 02, 2022, 06:20:12 AM »
For the error message, this is coming from the HiCON plugin. Check each of the 'Output Index' drop downs in each motor config in the HiCON plugin

For the Aux Position counts/unit in the Mach config, these should be set the same as the motor counts/unit otherwise you get issues with DROs not zeroing correctly

Looks like it is trying to command the A axis to zero, which you don't have, hence the message. When the button is pressed does it execute code in the screen load script or is does the plugin do it internally?

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