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Messages - Adam_M

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Why does my slave axis do this?
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:30:22 PM »
So, I'm trying to figure out what's up and I may be stumbling upon something just not sure what....

When I powered up this morning I noticed that the Machine co-ordinates for X and Y were both 0,0 and the gantry was no where near X and Y 0,0. So, I started looking at the home and limits settings and didn't notice anything strange. I tested all the Home switches and they all work accordingly and I also pulled the control panel thinking maybe a lose wire but nothing.

I then checked the soft limits button since it didn't make sense why the machine thought it was at 0,0 and I'm not sure what happened but things are working again, I must have missed a button click or something..ugh!!???

So here's a video using the default "Ref Al Home" after the miracle fix and it works repeatedly without issue..


General Mach Discussion / Re: Why does my slave axis do this?
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:47:13 AM »
I'll give the following a shot on the "Ref All Home" button this morning and give a shout back...

DoButton( 24 ) 'Z Home Axis
RefCombination( 9 ) 'X + A Home
DoButton( 23 ) 'Y Home Axis

General Mach Discussion / Re: Why does my slave axis do this?
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:33:33 PM »
I do have separate home switches for both the x and a axis.

So is the the slave axis (the one in the video) trying to home itself, why does it cycle and not continue to the home switch?

Im stumped on why the ref all button works  sometimes and others it doesn't?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Why does my slave axis do this?
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:15:53 PM »
The 1024 screen set Homing button.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Why does my slave axis do this?
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:51:16 PM »
If I check that box my gantry will never square to my table, my initial homing works correctly. This problem seems
To crop up after running a job and then trying to re-home the machine.


General Mach Discussion / Why does my slave axis do this?
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:14:49 PM »
On the initial homing of my machine I have no problems and I'm able to run a job successfully. However lately whenever I try to re-home the machine I'm having the following problem, does anyone know what causes this?


I have also posted this on CNCZone, here is a link to the discussion http://www.cnczone.com/forums/diy-cnc-router-table-machines/253832-slave-axis.html#post1615206

Thanks for any insight or suggestion you might have.


That would be appreciated, many thanks.

You can msg me if you'd prefer.


Thanks for that.

Is there a link to the new screen that is available?

My initial tool touch off works flawlessly, my problem arose after my first tool change.

The M6 code was reached and the cnc  paused correctly for the tool change. I manually changed the tool and then tried to reset the tool to zero using the "Z" zeroing button and the "Z" axis tried to go past the touch off plate and then proceeded to move "Z" towards the "+" of the axis.

Would this problem be in the macro for the zeroing or somewhere else?


General Mach Discussion / Re: BigTexBlue Screen.. modify gcode?
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:44:23 AM »
Is there a trick when saving your edited macro?

When I edit the button macro and save it Mach doesn't seem to save it, its kind of spotty sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't... Deleting all the macro information then re-pasting and exiting Mach seem to help so I'm guessing I'm missing something on "How to save your edits"?

Any information you can shed?



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