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Messages - madeintheshed

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PoKeys / Re: Pokeys on board power supply
« on: July 13, 2014, 05:24:44 AM »
Well I have everything working now except for the toggle switches. Just cant seem to get my head around it! Even got some LEDs being controlled by the Pokey too.
I couldn't find an issue with the encoder for the MPG, so I reset all the inputs and re did the wiring so the switches were mounted on a board rather than just being connected by a jumble of wires. Working fine now, just need more thoughts about the toggle switches.

PoKeys / Re: Pokeys on board power supply
« on: July 12, 2014, 10:01:37 PM »
No, I am not using Pokeys for generating pulses for the motors, only for "switch" inputs and maybe some LED indicators. When you say issues with MPG do you mean when using Pokeys or using the MPG in General? Yesterday I got it working nice, but now its doing some real strange things - not moving when I move the encoder, but then after a few seconds taking off and not stopping! I may have changed something whilst experimenting but I've checked all my wiring and assignments and I cant see anything wrong.
I got the pot working for feed override- as soon as I entered values for gain and override, it works. I have changed to a rotary encoder (which has a pushbutton built in for reset) as I think this will be more practical to use and this is working as expected..
Still working on the switch tho, mapping the assignment to an OEM LED does nothing.
Maybe a nice coffee and some lunch to refresh the mind will help.......

PoKeys / Re: Pokeys on board power supply
« on: July 11, 2014, 08:19:01 AM »
Thanks for your reply. I do have a separate source which I will probably use on the final panel build but whilst experimenting its nice to keep it a bit more simple and use the on-board supply.
I had my first play with the Pokey 56U tonight and found it very nice to use. Set up  a pushbutton switch, an encoder, a potentiometer, a toggle switch, some rotary switches and mapped them to Mach 3. Had a fair bit of success getting them to do what I wanted to do, but have a couple of issues you may be able to help with.

I've mapped the rotary switch to the step increments and they are changing fine on the Mach3 MPG screen, but when I turn the encoder 1 detent, it doesn't matter what step value is set, the axis only moves .0635mm This is OK as when I turn the encoder as fast as I can, its about at maximum speed for my steppers, I would just like it to be multiples of 10.

I want to use the toggle switch to turn block delete on/off. I assume I would need 2 inputs to Pokeys from this switch - 1 for on and 1 for off and map them to block delete on and block delete off. As this is controlled by a single toggle button in Mach 3, I guess I would need to create a separate on and off button in Mach 3 to get this to work?

Pokeys is seeing the potentiometer and I can see the voltage varying from 0-3.3v but I cant work out what DRO to map it to to get the feed rate override changing.

I'm sure I would eventually work these out, I guess I am just excited and want to get it all up and running.

PoKeys / Pokeys on board power supply
« on: July 11, 2014, 12:42:19 AM »
Is it OK to use the 5v and 3.3v terminals on the Pokeys 56U to power analog inputs and rotary encoders or should I use a separate power source for these?

Mach Screens / Re: ON/OFF buttons
« on: September 17, 2009, 07:30:38 AM »
Yeap. Thats the one. Thanks

Mach Screens / Re: ON/OFF buttons
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:01:52 PM »

But, isnt 82 for the LED?

Mach Screens / Re: ON/OFF buttons
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:05:08 PM »
Yeah, that works!
Just had to add onother button so that there is one for off, and one for on.

Now, the other buttons......

Does anyone know the OEM code for Single Block/Step. I cant see it in the list of OEM codes.

Mach Screens / ON/OFF buttons
« on: September 02, 2009, 03:01:22 AM »

Is there a way that I could create seperate "on" and "off" buttons for various functions?
For example, I want to assign different keyboard shortcuts to "Optional Stop" so that one button will turn it on, and another will turn it off. This is so that I can use a hardware switch connected to a keyboard encoder. I would rather not use the toggle fuction that that button already uses.
Looking at the screen designer software, it apears that for that function (op stop) there is only a toggle on/off via the same button.
Could someone point me in the direction to find my solution please.


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