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Messages - cornwallav8r

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General Mach Discussion / Re: DriverTest - Pulsing Too Fast
« on: October 11, 2012, 04:43:49 PM »
I just found a list of things to try in the downloads section, lemme go try all that. I see I have done most of it but this thing seems so close to being right... it shouldn't take much to create enough headroom.

General Mach Discussion / Re: DriverTest - Pulsing Too Fast
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:10:49 PM »
All I can figure, thinking about this, is that EITHER Mach3 has changed somehow since the years' old version I used to run, or something in SP3 has changed.  Everything else here is the same from when it used to run fine.

General Mach Discussion / DriverTest - Pulsing Too Fast
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:03:35 PM »
I know, some of you've likely answered this one a hundred times.
 Here's the rub....I have 2 identical Dell Inspiron 8100 laptops, with XP SP3 freshly loaded just recently, and both now give up the same pulsing too fast error in drivertest, and lose steps while running live.
But I used this same laptop years ago, for both this engraver and a full sized mill.  So I know the hardware is fine, it used to run drivertest in the green with System Excellent all the time.  I almost couldn't get it out of the green status, as I recall, except by specifying a really high pulse rate.

So I removed and reloaded the driver, - no help.  Tried the alternate special driver and rebooted, - no help.
Eliminated all the unnecessary windows and applications processes in winconfig that I felt comfortable doing - still no help. 
I have NO extra applications loaded or running.
DriverTest will run in the yellow, pulsing too fast about 80% of the time, then occasionally go green for a few seconds, and back to pulsing too fast,  yellow.

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.

General Mach Discussion / Re: A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: October 05, 2012, 05:02:21 PM »
Ok fixed it.  The software was old, updating fixed that saving issue.
The lost steps were due to a disconnected cable shield on the axis cable inside the controller box, between the motor driver card and the motor cable output jack.
Nothing like a shield disconnected, acting like an antenna. sheesh.   I think all is well, thanks SO much for the quick help, much appreciated.

General Mach Discussion / Re: A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: October 05, 2012, 03:42:02 PM »
No I just loaded it, but will write over it.  You mean to say when you enter values in dir and step boxes in the motor tuning dialog, , click ok, then come back, they are what you saved previously?

General Mach Discussion / Re: A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:22:37 PM »
Here is my xml file, thanks for looking.  For reference, all i need to do is click ok, in the motor tuning dialog, and when I go back into it, the dir and step values previously chosen should show up as they were save correct?
I know it sounds obvious, but it doesn't work that way here.
I will go and change the previous step and dir settings we discussed awhile.

General Mach Discussion / Re: A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: October 05, 2012, 01:53:59 PM »
Hmm....when I go into motor tuning dialog and change the dir and step us values, they don't save.  Maybe that's my problem...they revert back to zero and one.  Am I doing something wrong?

General Mach Discussion / Re: A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: October 05, 2012, 12:52:09 PM »
Ok I am past that learning curve, and have the machine coords versus work homing down pat.
But I am getting an intermittent problem with losing steps....for example when I jog, even though I have the speeds down to a reasonable level, in fact regardless how slow I run a particular axis, in one direction only I can hear it losing steps, verified by the VERIFY button in testing.  This happens to 2 separate axes, and only on one direction.   Any thoughts?

I have increased the dir and step times to 1 or 2, but it doesn't seem to  change anything.

General Mach Discussion / Re: A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: September 30, 2012, 04:37:46 PM »
Thanks for the input, you might be right on the switch bounce.
Well I was depending on the wrong manual. I studied the software config manual, but now I see the larger "Install, operation and config" manual discusses these topics more in depth, lemme go read some more.
I just need to understand the setup procedure and zeroing axes better.....it's quite confusing at first.  If I still can't figure it out, I will post again.  Thanks

General Mach Discussion / A couple setup problems - 3 axis engraver
« on: September 30, 2012, 03:52:33 PM »
Getting up to speed, learning how to set the home position versus limit switches, etc.
My machine consists of a 3 axis engraver table, table itself moves in Y direction, tool moves in X, and head moves up down in Z of course.
Stepper motor drives, with one limit switch at bottom left most tool position in y,one at leftmost position in x, and the z has a limit switch at top and bottom limits of travel.  Total 4 switches in series.
Question 1:  Not sure I am setting things up right...the z motor never references upwards properly to the switch and back off of it, like it should, it often goes up (correct direction) half an inch or so, stops as if the switch was made, then goes on to reference the x and y axes, which it ALWAYS does perfectly.   The Z limit switch port pins are all identical to the other limit switches, since they all share the same line. So that is correct.  What would cause the z not to go up to the switch and reference correctly?   All axes are set up properly for direction and speed and acceleration and distance calibration.  They all jog fine.

Question 2:  I have never seen the capability to limit manual jogging to stop on limit switch.  Mine just tries to plow through past the switches.  I Can't find a setting for that.   But I guess once I have figured out the procedure for machine limits versus soft limits versus offsets, the machine won't jog past the soft limits.   ....it's all a bit confusing really.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.

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