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Messages - scbrniddvl

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:00:59 PM »
I am running normally just with the torch off. Not simulation. I figured that would be the best real world test. I have tried with the torch active and it made no difference.

I tried lowering kernel speed, that made no difference. I tried evoking a modified 3007 from the g-code and that didn't work any better either. But I'll keep messing with it.

If you have any brainy ideas, let me know and I'll try it.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:23:57 PM »
Ok, Terry. You have to level with me. What computers do you have. What's you General config settings in Mach and on which foot do you stand when you push the botton. lol



General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 07:23:46 PM »
Oh well it will get figured out sooner or later. lol


General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:48:27 PM »
Unfortunately, nope. Maybe rather than run it normally, can you have run from the editor? lol I know I'm a wise ass.

Got to go eat dinner



General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:07:51 PM »
LOL. What computer are you using? What Kernal speed due you run in Mach?
With one confuration I did, I got a "Cannot Zero while running" Error. Don't know what was up with that.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:52:45 PM »
I've been messing with the Stackumup macro on and off all day. Even this version I messed with works perfectly from the editor. But when run from the button it drops the Cdown to 0 and only makes 1 part.

'Macro M3007 Auto Batch Load Horizonal
Dim fname As String
Dim Cuts As Single
Dim Xext As Double
Dim Yext As Double
Dim Test As String
Dim Cdown As Single

Sub Main()

Test = ("No File Loaded.")
Fname = FileName()
While Ismoving()
Message"" &Fname
While Ismoving()
If Fname = Test Then
 MsgBox("No File Loaded, PLEASE LOAD FILE and RESTART")
End If
Cuts = Question("How Many Horizonal Parts UP TO 10 ?")
If Cuts >10 Or  Cuts <1 Then
 MsgBox(" Number Out Of Range 1-10 Retry Again ")
End If
Cdown = Cuts


While Ismoving()
Message" Parts to Go: "& Cdown
Xext= GetOemDro(10)
While Ismoving()
Yext= GetOemDro(5)
While Ismoving()
Code" G0 Z1.00"
While IsMoving()
Code"X" & (Xext + .250)
While Ismoving()
Code"Y"& Yext
While IsMoving()
While Ismoving()
While Ismoving()
If Cdown >= 1 Then
 While Ismoving()
 GoTo N1
ElseIf Cdown=0 Then
 Message("End Of Batch Load")
End If
End Sub

What do you make of that?
Auto scale looks really nice. Play time. LOL


General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 11:32:43 AM »
Sounds good. It isn't a life or death, gotta have it right now, end of the world situation. No rush at all. I'll say it again, I really appreciate the help.
 ;D What's next. lol



General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:55:04 AM »
The first one you sent did the same as the other, but did run correctly if ran from the script editor. M3007b did the same, ran only one part and the counter went to zero before any move. But ran fine from the script editor.  WEIRD..... ???


General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:20:29 AM »
I will try it, but I have to warm the shop up first, I hate cold. I'm an old transplanted desert rat. lol  I really appreciate the help, you have been more than helpful. I actually like messing with stuff, you have me hooked. I  need to get more up to speed on this style of code. Well, I'll give this latest version a try and mess with it. I'll keep you posted.

Thank you for being patient with this "Old Dog". lol


General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma Consumable Tracking
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:02:38 AM »
LOL. Actually I tried that last nite and it froze up my computer and I had to re-boot it. I know some machine are just weird. I have a dedicated computer on the cnc plasma. It's a real bare bones running XP. I don't know what's going on, but I'm stubborn, I'll try to figure it out. I'm always up for a challenge. lol I'll mess with it some later today, keep you posted. I might put that one on the back burner and try the next episode. I'm going to have another cup of coffee before I go out to the shop. I have to throw some logs in the woodburner and warm it up in there. It got chilly last nite, frost all over the place. I'll keep you posted on progress with this one. Have yourself a good day.

Thanks so much


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