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Messages - Brian Barker

General Mach Discussion / Re: Thanks a bunch!
« on: October 24, 2006, 11:15:15 PM »
Nice!! you build it and they will come ...

I used a USB video camera and it seemed to work very well :) You need to have it straight but that is not hard to do.. there is a video window in mach3 :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: run amuck on STOP
« on: October 24, 2006, 11:11:42 PM »
You need to press "FeedHold" and Mach3 will not miss steps when it stops :)


The FRO under 100% will slow down the rate that the Rapid is done at :( we are talking about adding a rapid override that will not change the feed... this should help with the problem that he is having.


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Mew layer for Drill chains.
« on: October 21, 2006, 05:25:20 PM »
we will look into it :0)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Program E-Stop in middle of jobs
« on: October 21, 2006, 05:15:10 PM »
You have noise in your system and it could be a ground loop :( put on a low pass filter and it may fix your problem... What are you dunning for drives an so on?

Tho other thing that you can do for a test is to disable to Estop input. please have the power cable in your hand to power the thing down if you need to.

General Mach Discussion / Re: run amuck on STOP
« on: October 21, 2006, 05:10:32 PM »
That is new.. i never hit stop because you will loose steps... could you post a file is giving you trouble and tell me where you hit stop?


You need to update to Lcam that is in Rev2.x

General Mach Discussion / Re: blue screen of death
« on: October 21, 2006, 05:02:33 PM »
I see that you didn't reboot :)

You need to uninstall the driver and reinstall. Be sure that you reboot the computer after you insall

General Mach Discussion / Re: Semi ridgid Tapping Wizzard
« on: October 21, 2006, 04:59:34 PM »
I had a test version but it was taken out because there was not anyone that wanted it :(