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Messages - Workinforwood

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This project is actually islands and pockets and then cast in resin and spun into a pen. There is no finish or clear coat to stop the brass from tarnishing. I could put a few coats of CA glue over the entire pen if I wanted to, but I personally like to leave things unfinished. I like a little tarnish. Customers can use brasso to rejuvenate the shine, but generally they prefer tarnish too.  The resin is Silmar 41 and silver eye shadow.

Here's a little something I kicked out thanks to my new cnc mill. It's the first real success I've had with 4 axis cutting. I had a ton of failures, but thanks to the people here, I now have mostly success!

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:58:25 AM »
Wow...now, 99% sure this looks like a victory dance!  I have x,y,z at 58 and 7.5 in motor control.  Lap 2 is cutting and appears to be dead on target and all pocket jumps have 100% cleared the work piece! I suppose the summary is that the motor tuning was way too high causing missed steps.

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 06:55:36 PM »
Manufacturer says speeds for x,y,z are 1500 and 200.  I'm sure that's metric. So the speeds should be 59 and 7.5 in standard. That's quite different from what I had. I will try this in the morning and see if it fixes things.  A is correct, I know that as it's at the manufacturer recommended settings and in degrees.  Say a prayer for me! lol

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 04:15:39 PM »
ok, version is vr3.042.038

x was 31,31
y was 100,40

I changed the motor tuning on both to 31,20 now

I will reload a rod in the morning and see if that helps, of course y wasn't running anyhow, but x was and I reduced the acceleration on that by 1/3

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 03:33:20 PM »
I can not see how to tell what version I have. I only know I downloaded it from Artsoft 3 months ago and I have the registration codes for it from Syil America.  I am using windows 7.

I just went and checked machine and it's all messed up different now. On this test run, The change was to reduce acceleration of Z. The result was that the error that kept happening before no longer happened. Now it's a completely new problem. It looks like the machine did not start layer 2 in the exact same spot as layer one. It is maybe a 1/16th inch off, no way to be exactly certain just how off. Of course, I checked the rod and it is solid in the chuck and can't be moved, and the bit is still solid. It is cutting layer two just slightly over from layer 1 now, so the piece is destroyed. uggh!!!

This is what it is supposed to look like. How it ever came off the machine like this is beyond me, cause I can't repeat it for the life of me!

This is what that one good one I made looks like when cast in resin.

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 03:06:48 PM »
What is the problem with it, I do not know what ABS G90 is?  Is it the rotation center not lying on the X or Y axis?  In visual mill, it gives me this error, but according the the support staff it is correct with this error.  It is because the top of the rod is at Z0 and the center is at X0 and Z-radius.  So in the posted code the center of the rod is x0 and Z -0.3125  , the software asks if this is ok will the machine handle these conditions and I say yes, because the people at visual mill say it is correct and runs perfect on their equipment. When I look at the machining conditions in the software that created the code, it shows the true center with a post and revolves correctly.  I will go look at what Mach version I am running.

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 01:23:17 PM »
None of the 3 rotational option boxes are checked in the gen config. so limits is off, so is continuous roll over.  I dare not mess with any setting right now while it's running. Machine is 80% done on level one and part is absolutely perfect so far. Hopefully when it starts level two it won't do what it has been doing that last several times that started this post. I'll know within an hour. It's running real slow because the bit is a little smaller than before. but, the smaller bit will do the details better. This dragon is really fine with tiny pockets.

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 01:09:19 PM »
You could be right about the PC too. I had it built for this purpose. Last several times when I was done in shop, i hit windows button to shut down and the computer goes into some hardware error, or hardware set up error. I should have that looked at, it's brand new, but perhaps some setting got messed up. I just figured because the CNC is hooked up to the computer it is what's causing the thing to flip out. I have had Mach 3 crash a few times with cnc running but not moving and I couldn't even exit the program, had to do a hard shut down on the PC.  But..only had that happen a couple times, not all the time.

General Mach Discussion / Re: tool not clearing top
« on: October 24, 2011, 01:04:54 PM »
Ok, i will try that, thanks. I did post copy of the file, check on page 1 you will find it.

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