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Messages - poppabear

I am working on a Large Machine with alot of TCP/Modbus I/O.  I had to track alot of info on what was what, and where it went and what it did.

So, I made a MS Word TCP Output Mapping document and a TCP Input Mapping document. Both are set up as tables and are editable for your use. Just Change the information at the Top to reflect your situation. The one I put up is for using 2 PLC's one for input and one for output.

The system shows the flow of data going in to mach and out from mach, as it travels to and from: The PLC, Mod Bus, Brains, Macropump (if applicable), Functional discription, and Data/Target Page.

It could easily be adapted for Serial Modbus, or just "Record keeping" on your systems I/O.

they are attached as a Zip called:  TCP_IO.zip


General Mach Discussion / Re: Implementation of Logical IF Then Statements
« on: December 31, 2007, 04:37:40 PM »
no, the "Manual" is in sore, sore, sore, need of revising.......  The one your talking about no longer exist, You used the correct one.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Implementation of Logical IF Then Statements
« on: December 29, 2007, 11:01:59 AM »

    The way I read his post was, his CAM program put out G-code for Turbo CNC to run, and he wanted to be able to run that code in Mach. I looked over his Code. Mach understands and will run everything but the "If Then Else" type G-code statements that TurboCNC runs.

So, The M888.m1s was a Macro I wrote that pulled in the Values from the Parameters that where already posted, and processed them (basically replaced the if then statement he was asking about).

If he wants to Create a "Wizard" that will do something different than what the Lathe Wizards currently do for creating code, then I figured he would ask about that, in case I misunderstood the post.

Sorry, if any confusion was caused.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Implementation of Logical IF Then Statements
« on: December 28, 2007, 10:07:55 AM »
oh, it also replaces this line

N800 G01 X#3 Z#6 F#2  //Cut at current X depth

General Mach Discussion / Re: Implementation of Logical IF Then Statements
« on: December 28, 2007, 10:06:22 AM »
Replace these lines
N770 If #4 LE #3 M97o800  //If target X <= Current  X , then cut at current X depth
N780 G01 X#4 Z#6 F#2  //Else cut at profile X & Z coordinates



It will do your "If then else" statement

'M888.m1s here is an example


If TargetX<=XStart Then
Code "G01 X" & XStartRadius & " Z" & TargetZ & " F" & Feed
Code "G01 X" & TargetX & " Z" & TargetZ & " F" & Feed
While IsMoving
End If


Finished Screens / Re: Profile Shapes Wizard Updated!!
« on: December 26, 2007, 09:44:20 PM »
Here is the Profile Wizard updated with the ability to offset your Tool to the inside or outside of the profile.


EDIT :- attachment removed as it is no longer valid, see first posting for latest version.

FYI Brains are limited to 50 lines if you need more make a part 2, etc....

If you go over 50 rungs in brains you will need to start a part 2 brain, and on, and on, for each 50 of rungs you need more of.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Multipass for threadmilling wizard?
« on: December 24, 2007, 10:12:37 AM »
There is a Fill in the Blank, threading wizard at this link on this forum called "Quick Threads".

