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Messages - poppabear

Ask Brian to make sure that his Galil plug in will work with that card.

If it does then your set. It is no harder than setting up ports and pins in regular mach


'First off, I would NEVER laugh at you, you can ask Brian, I started off not knowing a darn thing
'Like you I asked questions, and plugged at it and played with it, till I did know, still have alot to learn.

'Here is a correction to your macro below

'Macropump to activate Auto Tool Zero (M650) from an external switch via input #4
'OEMled 824 or Input 4, will be normally active (1) until switch is pressed/closed (0)

A = GetOEMLed(824)  ' Input 4 LED
B = GetOEMled(164)  ' Spindle Rotating LED
C = GetOEMled(999)  ' System movement Led
D = GetUserDRO(1500)

If (A = 0) and (B = 0)  and (C = 0) and (D = 0) Then   ' if every one of the three LEDs and one DRO are at zero then the M650 will be run
Code "M650"            'The INput4 is pressed here and it locks out here
End if

If (A = 1) and (D > 0) Then     ' if the switch has been released then A will be at 1 so this will unlock for next press
SetUserDRO(1500,0)            'the input4 switch has been released
End if


hehehehe isnt logic FUN!!!!

  the If Not looks to see if it is OFF and if it is off that condition is TRUE cause the NOT inverts the logic............


DRO 1500 is a "Lock out", it only allows the code to run ONE time in the macro pump per push and release of the button. Otherwize the macropump would hit the command several times before you could remove your finger.........


General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 CNC Convention (Feb 23-24 Knoxville)
« on: February 25, 2008, 11:04:20 AM »

     The convention was a BIG HIT, But it was very tiring for me and probably many of the participants who flew or drove many hours and had to go back.
We had a Turn out far more than we had planned, we had about 60 registerants and about 20 walkins......

Being that it was the first one of its type, we have some work to do to make it even more enjoyable next year. We had a WIDE range of participants form guys that had never heard of Mach, to one guy who had been a programmer for over 30 years, and all levels in between.

According to the Feed Back we will do this again next year, but add in the changes based on the feed back Pros and Cons. I only had 12 feed back forms to go buy since no more where turned in than that.

Pros and Cons and the proposed fixes:

The Biggest Complaint was, we need TWO classes running at the same time, one guy teaching absolute basics and another teaching the more advanced stuff.  I will see If I can get
"Hill Billy" or someone else to teach the basic class of how to get a machine moving with Mach, G-code, Wiring, and basic functional use.

Space was Maxed out, so next year we will go to a larger "Convention Hall", in which we will have alot more wall plugs, and room to hang TWO Large projectors, one for what is happening on the computer, and one that shows what is happening on the Hardware Breakout boards and example stuff. I will see if I can get tables for laptops to sit on.

The price will be raised to 200.00 for the whole weekend to cover the larger place above and extra staff.

Most of the classes needed more time per subject so, since we will break it up, this will allow the subjects to be extended with some "Hands on" examples.

Hands ON:  This was a biggie, so next year we will plan on providing examples of purpose built screens, board wiring, motor tuning, and a Wizard that the class will participate in the build.

PLC: Programming with ADC, No one brought a PLC to follow along (although a few had the ADC software), since you cant use the software with out a PLC. I think I wll drop this and just show some quick view of the ladder and mostly how they work with mach on the modbus.  Or, perhaps have an Optional signup class for Advanced users who want to do PLC interfacing with Mach3.  (This class will assume you already know how to program a PLC since there is not near enough time to teach that).

Some people complained they wanted to see something cut, we did cut some machinable wax, as the last class on sunday, but some people who had long drives had left prior to that. I guess we will move the Part cutting with Mach to the Basic Class and do a demo on Saterday so people can see.


ArtSoft: Generously provided 3 lic. to give away, which of course was a huge hit.

Vectric: Alot of people responded and bragged, and bragged on "Tony" of Vectric, so next year I will see if we can put him in a longer time slot and provide him with a simple machine that he can cut some foam or something to show his software in action with Mach........  I think the number of software copies that he sold on this trip more than made up for his trip over here to put up with us "Yanks"......... as he said, "Bloody H*ll"........hehehehe.

Mad Cam:  He put on a good presentation also, unfortunatly only 2 users where using Rhino, so hopefully more people will buy some Rhino and consider his software as well. I really like the fact that they will be releasing some 4th and 5th axis capabilities soon.  I use Rhino, so when that becomes available, I will definatly try it out.

TEA:  Amy of TEA was fantastic, she gave away lots of super cool hardware for machines, TEA products are perfect for the kind of machine that the participants were building!

Digital Machinist Magazine: They gererously sent piles of Magazines (the one with Arnie Miners Camera article in it), everyone of them was GONE!! This is a well done Mag, great articles, and targeted directly at our participants.

Arnie Miner "ZarZul": His products "the digital probe with optional tool setter" and "Mach Camera" Where a MASSIVE, MASSIVE hit, his stuff was gone as soon as I showed it, he sent 60 or so brochures and they where all gone, I had to keep one back so people could get his site. NO ONE, could figure out how he could make such cool and well made products for the price he was selling it for. I would have expected to pay 4-500.00 for his probe! His Camara and Brians Vidio Plug-in blew everyone away.

Machinable Wax: Everyone LOVED this stuff, it was a joy to work with. We cut out a 1/2 hiegth Torus (dognut) in 3D, with a mach machine.
This stuff was awesome to use. I will definatly be getting some more of it for my shop. We had several die makers there who said they will be getting this stuff in bulk. One Jewlery maker in Canada really Flipped out over it. I highly recommend you guys try this stuff. This company was super generous, they gave one Sample box to every participant, and it was several nice sized piecies you could do stuff with!!!!!

CNC4PC:  Alot of users now want Arturos Mod-bus boards, and his super cool 6 axis pendant.

Special Thanks to:

Chris Scott, this man made this convention the best it could be given our location and resources. His vast experience in doing events was clearly evident every step of the way. With out a dougbt the convention would have NOT been possible with out him. He brought a PA system which saved my voice, and did all the print out, and other Management/Flow issues, it was truely amazing the amount of things that he did, that I didnt ever realize that NEEDED to be done.........  Thank You Chris.

Jason "Grand Master Flash" Blake, (also known as "Zealous" on this board"): He put on a Awesome Flash class showing his NEW "Drag and Drop" Flash Screen for Mach Screens. This was a Huge hit.  There really is no practicle limit of the things you can do with Flash for Mach. Really looking forward to the release of his Flash IDE "Screen 5?"...hehehehe

Wade Davenport of "Leasure Craft" in Crossville, TN: His company generously provided Lunch on Sunday for all participants, so if you guys need the Best Pontoon boat or custom plastic objects on the planet call this guy.

Greatchin, of Digital Machinist Mag, and Amy of TEA, who both helped sponsor our Ads in the Magazine as well as on the cnczone forums. Also to Paul of CNCzone who helped get our ad placed well.

Aurturo Duncan of CNC4PC who helped sponsor our website, AND, provided the M1, M11, M12 and 6 Axis MPG Pendant to demo at the class. He also provided some break out boards, and other odds and ends.

The Participants:  My thanks to all who came and allowing us the priveledge of getting to know you. I met alot of interesting people from all walks of life. It was interesting the questions that came up about this or that. There really wasnt enough time in the day, to answer it all.  Like I said this was our 1st one (and my 1st one as well), but now we got a handle on how things need to be timed, and how participants would like to see things covered. There was also a HUGE amount of networking going on, many people there where Buizness owners, or OEMs that found others that had stuff they needed or vice versa. So all in all, it was really great to meet all these wonderful people.


Scott "Poppa Bear" Shafer
S S Systems, LLC

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 CNC Convention (Feb 23-24 Knoxville)
« on: February 23, 2008, 08:26:03 PM »
convetion going well, about 80 or so people............ really tired since I was the only speaker today, all day.............

Meet lots of really cool people.


I did it with Brian becuase you wanted to do it that way.........hehehehe

You can do it with a Macropump alone if you want.

Yes the Dros and Leds can be invisibable.

No safeties are in it, you would need to put them there.


if you have servos, and your encouder feed backs may make your motors fly off.

Yes, but you will have to use brains and macropump

in brains:

InputX >NOP>UserLED1500  (save as name it, and turn it on in Brain config).

open up VB editor:

put thiis in and Save as "Macropump.m1s":



If GetUserLED(1500) and X=0 Then
code "M650"
end If

If Not(GetUserled(1500)) and X>0 Then
End If

'remember after you save it as your macropump, then turn on macro pump under general, close and reopen mach, make sure you enabled your triggger brain.

Brains Development / Re: Newby – brains to turn the coolant on/off ?
« on: February 20, 2008, 11:31:26 PM »
Ok here is a brain,

It looks at the Run LED, and Z position dro, (assumes -Z is going down into your work, and 0 is the work top surface).
it then turns on output4 when z is less than .125
