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Messages - BobsShop

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Having a problem with the Cut Circle Wizard in the Suite of Handy Wizards:  I have copies of Mach 3 V 2.0.047 on two different style computers and have the problem is constant.  I have tried running in simulation mode (without mill attached) and in real time (with mill running), changed CV numbers, changed from Constant Velocity to Exact Stop, Absolute to Incremental.  The work piece was been moved away from the xy limits to insure not running out of room.

This code was produced by the wizard - no edits have been made.  The depth of cut was reduced to save time while running and watching.   If doing a simulation the arc traverses half of the circle then crashes and freezes.  This also happens when running in real time. 

I have tried other circles in the Wizards pack (German Bravo's, etc) and they produce workable code.  I just prefer the simplicity of Brian's original work.

 (Program Posted for Aluminum )
G0 G49 G40.1 G17
G80 G50 G90 G98 
G20 (Inch)
(***** Circular Groove/Cutout *****)
M6 T12
M03 S3000
M8 (Flood On)
G00G43 H12 Z0.3
G00 X0.2844 Y-0.1078
G41 P0.09375
G01 X0.3922 F16.9
G01 Z-0.002 F8.45
G03 X0.5 Y0 R0.1078 F16.9
G03 X-0.5 Y0 R0.5
G03 X0.3922 Y0.1078 R0.1078
G00 Z0.3
M5 M9

Any and all suggestions will be appreciated and explored.


Bob@ BobsShop - cutting circles and losing my mind.

zar - please post a copy of the sketch of the shaft and adjustment attachment you mentioned.


Bob@BobsShop - Always looking for the Edge and the Center

General Mach Discussion / Alert Regarding Progecad
« on: January 17, 2007, 09:25:42 PM »
I went to this website after reading a write up about progecad.  The site asks for you to respond to a lot of offers for "free," items or information about products being promoted.  I did not complete the sign up procedure due to the plethora of responses required.  Unfortunately, I had entered enough information that the site could begin to send me spam mail.  It has been less than 4 hours since I visited the site, and irregardless of the fact I did not complete  the registration and have not received the software, I have received more junk mail than I have gotten in the last 4 or 5 months.    I cannot begin to tell you how angry this make me.

BAD LEAD[/color]

Bob @ BobsShop

Richard - got onto the progecad site but declined to take them up on their offer.  I refuse to participate in any site that requires me to fill out a thousand survey/request for info forms.  Would rather pay for something.

Bob @ BobsShop (yes, I am a crusty old curmudgeon)

I have been using CADX11 with success.  Documentation is pretty limited and it can be quirky at times, but the price is right (FREE).  Pieces I have designed ranged from 1x2 inches to 5x9 inches in size.  Sizes limited by my small TAIG mill.  Repeatability was good.

Design in CADX, save, then export as DXF into LazyCam.  Takes some getting used to quirks on both sides, but I have been satisfied. 

Here is link to the site :http://www.graytechsoftware.com/

Disclaimer - I have no relationship with graytech.  Not working for anyone else (ask my wife).

Good luck

Bob @ BobsShop

General Mach Discussion / Locating Breakout Board
« on: January 13, 2007, 09:33:14 AM »
I am wanting to add limit switches to my Taig 3-axis mill and cannot figure out what type of break out board to use.  I have contacted two different companies (including Bob Campbell Design which has been mentioned here as a good source) and asked about their boards, but have not received any responses (couple of messages to each over a week period).

Can anyone point me in the right direction.


Bob @ BobsShop

General Mach Discussion / Re: taig mill motor tuning
« on: December 01, 2006, 11:30:55 AM »
I have been running a taig for a while now.  Took me a while to get it right.  Some of the problems were related to lack of knowledge and my naturally slow learning curve, another was a bad controller that had to be corrected, another was loose jibs (a real learning experience to get them adjusted), and it took a while to get the settings right.  I think they are okay now.

e-mail me at BobsShop@insightbb.com and I will send you a copy of my xml file.

Bob @ BobsShop

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Pimp my Lcam
« on: November 20, 2006, 09:09:04 AM »

You are probably getting tired of my posts and nits, but I encountered something in LCAM version 3 that needs your attention (if you haven't already noticed it).  It appears that inputing any value into "Cut Depth,"  before inputing values into the other blocks will result in LCAM locking up.  The only way I could find to get out of it was to close down LCAM.   Since "Cut Depth," is the first line item, this will probably cause problems for others.

Although I had been successful in developing parts with the previous versions of LCAM, I feel with version 3 the software has evolved and reached its true potential. 

Thanks again for your efforts.

Bob @ BobsShop.  Only cutting between now and Thanksgiving will be to the turkey!

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Pimp my Lcam
« on: November 20, 2006, 12:19:24 AM »
Followup to my post regarding - No Tool Data.  Just down loaded and installed the latest and greatest version Mach3 which included LCAM release 3.0.  Tool data now flows into the G-code as it did previously.

Although I am sure I will have questions and concerns in the future, I want to say that Mach3, the new LCAM, and the support you provide is over the top.  I don't know when you guys sleep!

Well, as you can tell from the time stamp on this post, I tend to stay on here too much.   But, I really enjoy working with this software and what it has enabled me to accomplish

Thanks again

Bob @ BobsShop signing off for a while.

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Pimp my Lcam
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:22:15 PM »

Thanks for the response.  Although I was pretty sure I was doing what you suggested, I started from scratch.  Reloaded Mach3, shut down the computer and re-booted, and reinstalled.  Made sure my Tool file was in the Mach3 folder, and ran Mach3 and LCAM fresh.

Same problem (I made sure I had used the "Enter," key to lock in tool changes and that the layers in LCAM reflected the tools I had selected), regenerated the G-code with the same results.  No tool data was included with the new code.  Frustrating. 

Any additional insights will be appreciated.  Thanks again

Bob @ BobsShop - reverting to previous versions for the present.

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