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Messages - Davek0974

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 08, 2019, 07:12:14 AM »
I have just been poking with a meter and the CSMIO is outputting about +8v at present so its trying to get the drive to spin.

If i click the backwards jog button in plugin config/pid tuning the voltage drops to negative so CW/CCW seems to be 10-0-10 as expected

I checked the 25 pin connector at the drive and the plug is receiving the voltage from the IP/A

The drive is configured for location mode and is pre-programmed for the correct motor according to the values shown in parameters.

I can't do much more - if its not moving with 8v signal it won't move with 1.5v surely?

Hopefully not a dead drive :(

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:41:02 AM »
are you running this Controller in step/dir mode or 0-10V analog mode?

I just ordered the same unit as previous and they were all pre-set for 10-0-10 analogue control, i guess it could be set wrong?

If it is then that will be a problem as the manual is hopeless :(

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:27:08 AM »
btw witch servo Controller are you using?

AASD Chinese from AliExpress

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:25:44 AM »
Yeah done them, i'll go back out and re-check though.

Do you have to enable Spindle DAC as well as spindle axis? The manual shows both which seems a bit odd as i thought the DAC was for 0-10v VFD outputs?

Do ports & pins plus motor tuning have any bearing at all???

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:07:59 AM »
I'm setting up my servo drive for the 4th axis, I have not fitted the ENC module yet - should i be able to run the motor without the ENC module??

The drive will lock up as expected when enabled but i cannot get any movement at all.

The manual is vague on servo spindles :( and I have no idea of what to set and where - ports & pins, motor tuning, CS plugin etc.

The 'net seems just as vague as well :(

Any chance someone with a CSMIO IP/A controller and a servo spindle could enlighten me as to what settings i need and where please????

If the post comes, i'll be able to fit the ENC module but i thought that was only for sync when threading??

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 06, 2019, 09:24:31 AM »
Just got a reply from CS-Labs regarding G32...

N22 G32 Z-29.816 F1.5
N23 G32 X10. Z-30. F1.5
You can't use two G32 commands one after another. You have to divide them with G0 or G1 command.
The limitation is caused by Mach3 construction.
Mach3 wasn't originally adapted to the G32 function executed by an external controller. We made it possible but with the above limitation.

That explains a lot i think, i don't know if adding a G0 in the code will affect things or if its better to stick with no taper at the thread end???

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 06, 2019, 05:37:38 AM »
Ooh, exciting  :D :D

Managed to successfully edit my post, it now outputs what i want, instead of G28 X.. Z.. it checks the post properties for "G53 home" values, if i enter one i then get G53 X.. Z..

Sounds simple but took a few hours to learn what does what and where to stick brackets etc  ::)

The post had the G53 bits but was not used where i wanted it, just for a parts-catcher  :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 06, 2019, 02:25:46 AM »
Thanks, slightly different, this is the current one..

  Copyright (C) 2012-2018 by Autodesk, Inc.
  All rights reserved.

  Mach3 Lathe post processor configuration.

  $Revision: 42207 5fa31bcb4a6a27a706165056de7dcda5f53f36d9 $
  $Date: 2018-12-05 15:57:57 $

I will seek the video and have a look. It would have been handy if the Autodesk guy said where the problem was ;)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 05, 2019, 01:35:09 PM »
I just got a reply on Autodesk support, it seems there is a problem with the post processor i attached to my query.

Is there a recommended one for Fusion and Mach3 Turn??

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mill or Turn?
« on: May 05, 2019, 08:43:07 AM »
Interesting, thanks.

I did try the "Cycle" option in Fusion, its supposed to output G76 canned cycle thread code, however the post processor fails and says its not supported and to use the G32 option :)