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Messages - sshneider

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I Just sent a PM to Benny asking him if that was possible.  Are you runing Windows?  If so, there is a utility called 'Paint'  You can open .bmps and save as .jpgs  I know it's an extra step but it should work until we hear from Benny.


P.S.  I look foward to the PIX!


I think I understand what you mean regarding calibtrating to a wedge instead of a cube but 'a picture is worth a thousand words".  Could you possible sketch up a picture and post it.  Then I will try and let you know  what I discover?


Mach SDK plugin questions and answers. / Re: Shuttle Xpress Problem
« on: April 16, 2008, 01:35:41 PM »
Hey Brian,

I recently had to re-config my home switches (i.e. run them in series) to make room for an additional input for my touch probe.

The REF ALL button on the 1024 screenset works perfect (Homes each Axis Individually).  The REF ALL script associated with the Shuttle Plugin refs ALL axis simulataneously.  Is this an easy thing to fix (make the Shuttle Script work the same as the Screenset script).  Is it something I could figure out?  Any pointers?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Manual Tool Change
« on: April 16, 2008, 10:36:12 AM »
I don't have a ton of experience with this and it has been a few versions ago since I messed around with it but...

There is a set of radio buttons on the General config page that tells Mach what to do when it sees an M6 command that you add to your G-Code when you want the tool to change.  Select the 'Stop Spindle and wait'.  I think you also have to make sure that on the settings screen that the 'Ignore tool change button is not selected/lit.

When you run your code, Mach will stop when it sees an M6 command and then wait for you to do your change & rezero when you hit the cycle start button, I think the machine will bring up a dialog box and tell you it wants to reposition itself to continue the cut.

It's pretty easy/intuitive once you have the config/settings stuff out of the way.  Try it first without chucking up any cutters to be safe though!


General Mach Discussion / Re: Sure Servo drives with Mach
« on: April 16, 2008, 10:28:41 AM »
Ooops- Sorry about that.  Thanks for the correction Brian!


Quick question so I can understand a bit clearer.

From what I can make out from the picks Art's setup (Using Rainea's convention of Y being across the gantry and X being along the table) has the laser in the XZ plane (with tilt) and Sid has it in the YZ. Also looking at the data it appears that both of your field of views is wide enough to see your whole hand so you are scanning it in one pass. Am I right so far? Art is still working on "tileing" to do wider subjects with successive passes or strips which are merged later into one mesh.

It's kinda early and I need more cofee but check out the drawing below to get a better idea of my setup.  I thought that I did it the same as Art?  Maybe not?? ???  Yes, FOV is wide enough to see my whole hand.  "Tileing does work", it's just kinda funky- check out the 32" wrench I scanned yesterday- it's posted on the Mach Cloud Thread

I am curious what resolution in Z you are getting with your current setups. Ie scan a smooth vertical wedge and  figure out how many steps it is interpolating in the scan.

Not a clue about my resolution.  What do you mean 'scan a smooth vertical wedge'-   I guess I could try to scan something to figure it out but there are a lot of variables that you need to provide (what size wedge- a drawing would be helpful, how is this wedge oriented on the table, what do you want the step to be)?

I posted in another thread that I think the ideal resolution would be from 1:1 to 2:1 the cutting resolution of the machine. Does that sound right? If it does then on a camera with 700 odd pixels in the horizontal (the security b/w cam I'm testing) the max FOV would be something around 35mm to 70mm  for a machine that can cut to 0.1mm. This would obviously get better if you had say a 6Mega pixel camera with 3000 pixels in the horizontal. What size cameras are you guys using?

Maybe the coffee still needs to kick in but I really don't understand what you mean by 1:1 or 2:1.  Maybe you could explain.  I am using a cheapie webcam rightnow and I don't know the resolution but I will check.  I think is set at 640x480 and who knows the megapixels (actually it's probably not even MEGA).  Sorry I can't tell you more.

I can say that I have taken some measurements and my camera is approximately 10" above the Z0.  I am using a FOV setting of around 42 and getting some OK P.C. acquisitions.  But I am beginning to see what you guys are talking about in terms of position, alignment and distortion and I think that I may have to try some camera laser posititions to get less distorted scans


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: MachCloud point viewer program
« on: April 15, 2008, 11:04:13 PM »
That was the sound of me breaking through!  HUGE progress today! 

Using the 1st release of Mach Cloud (the one without the meshing capabilty).  I was finally able to open up a Y & X scan and see the 2 sections and make them line up.  2 Sections appear- one in Black and the other in RED

I never saw this before using the latest release that I got from the downloads page. Something happened to the 2nd release of Mach Cloud and although all of the dialogs appear and the sections DO get inserted the video part of it during the alignment is missing.  So, now I'm using the 1st version to 'Stitch', saving the cloud and then opening up the latest version to DECIMATE and mesh.

The sample below if my 32" Pipe Wrench done in 4) X axis Passes with an 8" step.  I kinda messed up somehow on the stich because the geometry on the saved .stl file says the wrench is 30"  so I lost 2" during aligment but still- I'm STOKED!  I got progressively harder during the alignment process because everything starts getting so small (zooms out) when it adds the sections. NOTE- the following sentence is a shameless feature request not required for programmers to read....
A zoom feature preferably controlled by the wheel on the mouse would make this process A LOT easy for dudes who already have reluctantly admitted a need for those dime store magnifying glasses  ;)

A Good Day!

I think

Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: MachCloud point viewer program
« on: April 15, 2008, 05:12:11 PM »
Ah yes,  the finest jewels are always locked up tight in a glass case where they can only be fawned and drooled over.  Ok, I guess I'll just have to admire them from a distance  ;)


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: MachCloud point viewer program
« on: April 15, 2008, 04:36:27 PM »
Aha-  I feel like Chuck Yeager at 3 MPH below the threshold of the sound barrier- SOOOO Close.  Havin' fun now though.

I know that you have to design things 'for the masses' so to speak.  I imagine most dudes want to be able to scan a pimple on a fly's a$$ but for what I'm doing the accuracy has been more than sufficient.  I'm tryin to scan relatively simple smooth pieces but, they are long 6'.  Aside from the striping/alignment issue I'm at the point where I could actually start to earn some money using this Plugin.   ;D

I understand that it's hard to make a plugin that is all things for all peeps- everyone has their own specific goals.  Is that why you guys released the SDK?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Sure Servo drives with Mach
« on: April 15, 2008, 04:16:34 PM »
Usually the Common is the Neg (-)


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