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Messages - ART

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: The Laser Project.
« on: April 12, 2016, 12:00:19 PM »
Hi Tweaky:

  Thought you might like to see my initial testing with 3d sculpting in wood..  :)


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« on: April 07, 2016, 05:13:56 PM »

  Mach4 sends a command such as S400, Darwin checks to see what the min and max set in MAch4 for spindle is.
Lets say you have min max set to 0, 1000. Darwin will then decide you wish 40%. ( 400 is 40% of the 1000.).

 So then Darwin will see you have a f min = 0, and fmax is 20,000. ( This is Hz, not Mhz. ).
  It will then take 40% of that range, so 8Khz, and it makes the output signal put that out.

  When it does this, it puts messages in the error log. What is it saying when you enter

M3S4000 for example.?


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:39:43 PM »
Hi Ed:

 Heres the deal. In config/Mach , under the spindle tab, you set a minimum and max in RPM. If your spindle goes
8000rpm , fine, set 0 and 8000.

Then, in Darwin, you set a min and max in hz, so you can set 0 and 20000 for example.

 Now, when you do an S4000, mach will see thats 1/2 of your maximum of  8000, Darwin will then send
1/2 of its freq range out as a signal, so 10khz..  Each spindle will take a certain khz and give out a certain rpm.. just
a case of matching them..

  adjust Darwins high until it matches at S8000.. or whatever your max rpm is set to.


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« on: April 03, 2016, 09:37:19 AM »

By the way , to calibrate it, set the min max to 0 and 100, command a S100 and measure the actual speed, enter than as max.
Now command an S10, measure it and enter the  (speed * .9) in the minimum box.. Thatll get you close..


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« on: April 03, 2016, 09:34:55 AM »
Hi Ed:

   In Darwins config, turn on an output on pin #8, call it SpindleFreq as a name. Set it to frequency control if you see a checkbox, ( been awhile Im not sure there is one anymore)
 Now, in Mach4, under diags, there is a selection for Darwin, in it, select a Frequency Spindle and set minimum and maximum frequency you wish to use.
Then, in the config/Mach menu, select outputs, way way down the list is Spindle, turn it on, as device select Darwin, and then under mapping select the
named signal SpindleFreq.

   That should be all you need. Make sure you dont have laser mode selected in Darwins diag config.

 When you command a spindle with M3 or do a S100, look in the error history in the tab on the bottom of the main window, it will show messages from Darwin
about what it did for the spindle commands. "Set SpindleFreq to 100" for example..

 As for DIR, you can make an output and name if SpinDir, in Mach4's config, turn on Spindle Direction and set it to Darwin, mapped to SpinDir.. or whatever
you named the signal to.

 thats about it,


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artsoft sold??
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:14:43 AM »
LOL, OK, if they sell more, I want my cut. :)

Rich:  ( This thread has absolutely nothing to do with reece's pieces.. ), its really
about rhesus pieces..


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artsoft sold??
« on: March 06, 2016, 08:04:49 AM »

  You old hound dog. :-)

  Nice to hear from down under..  Small world, was thinking of you the other day,
(I wrote a screen designer recently and thought how proud you'd be that I used gradient blushes,
shrinkable graphics and leds and such. All a legacy of the Benny years.. :-)

  Your right about M3,in over 170 countries, I figure about a quarter million users worldwide and a countless
number of small business's, spinoffs and machines sellers who began ( even if they no longer use m3)
as a result of the ubiquity of printer ports in those years.  Do an ebay search for mach3, ... amazing.. I plucked
a word from the air, and it became a larger word.

>>It still amazes me how a man sitting in his shed could have made such a massive difference globally

 LOL, it wasn't one man in his shed, it was one man in his basement dungeon with a crazy Australian who loved
music and graphics (you), a few Americans who decided to join in ( Brian, Brett )and a few Brit's like John Stevenson,
Steve Blackmore and John Prentice.  And then there were the OEM vendors, like Dan Mauch, the first to convince me
to allow others to sell Mach3 along with Peter Homann with his ModIO. And probably about a dozen others originals,
We started as a small group, but we DID get awful large. :-) .
To me those will always be the best of times.. Somehow, in some way, a confluence of time and space
brought together a core group of people who did, I think, change the cnc world. I know it would have happened
anyway, in its own time and with some other group, but I have to say, I feel honored and privileged to
have been selected by fate for that group.

   Its good to hear from you, brings back pleasant memories.

>>Its my dream to be like that.

     You accomplished that dream a long time ago... :-)




General Mach Discussion / Re: Artsoft sold??
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:25:09 PM »
>>Edit, or is that pieces of monkey?

LOL, North American reference. Google : "Reese's Pieces" , a native alternative to the more
mature brand of Rhesus Pieces.. though both have near identical taste.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artsoft sold??
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:11:28 AM »
I think its that chocolate company that sells them rhesus pieces.... , but then.. Im insane..


General Mach Discussion / Re: Artsoft sold??
« on: March 01, 2016, 04:06:08 PM »
 You know, Id have to say that Im not sure science has yet perfected any means of measuring a value so small
as the thinness of your skin. My responce was a small touch of humour in a humourless world. I failed to understand
the earth shattering importance of your query, which seemed much more an attempt, as a very similar question posted
only a few months back, to suggest some sort of instability of a company.
   This, of course, Im sure was not your intent, just as the premise of your "current state of your product" statement which
followed. But your entirely correct of course, the sad state of Mach, currently used by  hundreds of thousands of people
in over 170 countries as well as its ubiquity among topics in all areas of CNC speaks volumes as to my horrible attitude and
the rather poor way Ive treated people over time. All I can do for my part is beg forgiveness, slink to my corner
and seek absolution from an unforgiving world.
    Your answer, and I again apologize for any earlier attempts at humour, is NO. I hope the simple brevity
of this answer makes up for any slights... I fear I have damaged forever our relationship.. Ill go now...NO!, dont answer,
dont look back.. its simply too painfull. Im gone now.. its as if I was never here...