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Messages - OldestGeezer

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Galil / Re: Mach 3 - Galil DMC 4030 - Proma THC - No THC action
« on: October 21, 2019, 09:47:52 PM »
I probably will not be any help to you but I too have a Proma THC and a home made plasma table.  I am using mach4 and going through a PMDX-416 to the proma and from the proma to the stepper controller.  With it wired like the drawing shows in the Proma manual I have control of the Z axis when the torch is off and the Proma is powered up.  When the torch is on the Proma moves the Z axis and the cnc (mcah4) does not know the actual position of the Z axis.  I guess that is about as controlled as I am going to get.  I also have tried the Proma set up as a standalone device outputting to the z axis and it controls that way also.  Of course when the Proma is wired for stand alone I can never move the z axis from the cnc. 

 ;D  OK guys that got it right on the money.  From here I will see what else can be done to make it perfect but so far you have fixed my problem.  Thanks again for all the help.

Thanks for the reply.  I will keep that in mind.

Thanks for the reply.  I intend to work on it again today sometime.

Thanks for the reply.  It is set at 1000 as in your screen shot.  I think I tried to change that and could not.

I am a total beginner to cnc.  I figured it would be easiest to build a cnc plasma table.  I have mach4 and the PMDX 416.  All of my movements are about 5 times larger than I want.  I tried jog and set incremental to 1.000 inch and it moves 5 inches.  How do I correct this problem?  My stepper motors have a pulley that runs a belt connected to the gantry for moving the X and a stepper motor with a pulley connected to move the Y axis.  The pulleys are about 2.5 inch in diameter.
I cannot find any place to change the distance the thing moves.   

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Newbie here and need some starting help
« on: December 06, 2018, 02:47:58 PM »
If it starts to get too expensive I will just switch the materials over to the mill and turn the table into a welding cart. 

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Newbie here and need some starting help
« on: December 06, 2018, 10:19:15 AM »
Craig I have looked at the THC and those things are very expensive.  I am going to try some other ways and if I fail then I will give in and get one.  I have heard guys talk about other ways and I will try them first.  This is just a hobby thing and if it is not perfect that is OK.  I have a world of things to learn not having ever touched a plasma torch even manual operated.  I have used a Arduino to control a stepper for various ideas.  This is my first venture into the totally computer controlled device.  I will make a lot of mistakes and learn a lot and the trip will be a rocky one but fun anyway.  I hope you took notes as I may be back to ask you more questions.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Newbie here and need some starting help
« on: December 06, 2018, 02:10:55 AM »
Thanks Craig.  That is just what I wanted to know.  At this time I have no intention of purchasing a THC.  Trying to avoid spending a fortune on this thing.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Newbie here and need some starting help
« on: December 06, 2018, 01:34:21 AM »
I was planning to use a SmartBob416.  I notice that you answered my question with a question which does not seem to answer my question.  Not trying to be a smart alec or anything just observing.     

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