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Messages - moorea21

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I'm writing a series of macros that will 'log' the execution of files; start/end time, line number at termination, method of termination etc.

There are a number of ways in which a file could be terminated; the ones I need to loook out for are
a) when the user terminates the run with Estop, Stop, or Reset buttons (all are acceptable on my machine,) and
b) when a particular switch is tripped to an input on the BOB

When either of these things happen, I want to be able to note which method of termination was used, and then call the macro that records this.
I'm unsure whether/how to look out for these conditions; macropump code looking out for all possible termination conditions would be slow and cpu hungry; this could be done with brains and macropump, I suppose, but I don't know how yet.

Is there a way of basically checking the input and DRO's to find which was done, ONLY if and when the machine stops running?


edit: I have only uploaded the xml, sample code not really needed.


My machine needed to 'zero' it's Z axis in both direction (complicated reasons,) so I set up one of the limit switches to be read as a 'probe' by mach, with the intention that this sort of command:

G31 Z-25000 (a value beyond the point at which the switch should trigger)
G92 Z0
would move the Z axis away from its home position, and reveerse it into the 'probe' switch at the other end of it's limit of travel, at which point it would deam that position to be Z0.

It moves fine, trips the switch fine (marked 'digitzing' or something similar in the diagnostic panel,) but doesnt stop the axis after the switch is tripped. I've checked the wiring, config, and function of the switch itself and the breakout board it's wired to, and can;t see why this won't work. Sample code attached, and xml.

I havent used the machine for 2 years, and I don't seem to have saved the xml for the setup I was using last time, so I've had to modify a previous copy. Also, I can't remember if this problem got solved 2 years ago or not.

Is this something a demo version just won't do?  Or is there something hiding in the config that I havent properly understood?

General Mach Discussion / Re: G28.1 not zeroing axis
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:08:56 AM »
I found the diary, but theres nothing in there about G28.1. I seem to remember it had something to do with not understanding the figures after the G28.1 command, ie 'g28.1 x0'. I don't remember what exactly. Also it may have had something to do with machine vs. work coordinates issues, and I seem to remember rewiring some limit/home switches around that time too. Sorry I can't be more help, I didnt write down quite as much stuff as I thought I had.

Maybe start a new thread on this?

General Mach Discussion / Re: G28.1 not zeroing axis
« on: February 23, 2016, 08:56:11 AM »
I'll have to look back through my written notes/diary thing, if I've still got it. May take a while...

Seem to have found the source of this; when I reloaded Mach last, I accidentally loaded a previous version of Mach to the 3.043.053 that I was running before, Apparently the older one doesn't recognise 'While Not GetLed(n)' as valid code. Problem solved.

When I buy a licenced version of Mach, can I use the licence to run an older version of mach than the current release?

BTW this works from VB editor in Mach, stepping through and running. No odd behaviour necessitating a restart either.

This macro is called from the 8th line of a gcode file. I've stripped out all the non problematic code, and I'm left with

Message "halt"
Sleep 1000

While Not GetLED(4)

Code "M98 P113"

The first 2, and last lines are not strictly necessary, (just there in case anyone thinks it's a pointless macro...) it worked fine before, but today the same thing happens on each run :- 'Terminating scripts'.

I close Mach, try to reopen; clicking/double/triple clicking machloader does nothing. Trying to modify and save the macro that was open in notepad gives a message that 'this is being used by another program', and shutting down the PC for a restart as last resort gives a message about 'DDE Server Window still being in use.

This macro worked fine a week or 2 back  (it's never had 'End' on the end), why has it suddenly gone weird?


Me too! I take it that can't be changed?

I did have a flash drive plugged in, and got very tired and frustrated with it yesterday, so I probably did save to the wrong place.

Good to know it doesn't only pick on me, thanks.

General Mach Discussion / mach3 loading previous version of gcode
« on: May 26, 2015, 01:58:28 PM »
Today Mach found a 'new' trick; I run a gcode file, close Mach, edit the gcode file and save it, load it back into Mach, and lo! Mach has loaded up the version of the file BEFORE I made changes to it.

I'm not imagining this, its driving me ******* nuts, how do I stop it ? Is this some kind of malfunction?


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