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Messages - bdring

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I think I understand the way the code works. 

It appears that it determines the image resolution, figures out the steps per pixel and related info, sets up a zig zag pattern, moving up the Y stepover at each end.  Based on grayscale info, it determines what to do with the beam and feeds some timing info into MachView->Info.Time[].

It would help to understand Mach a little more at this point.  How does Mach use this information?  It appears that Mach can use this as it it is running a line of G-Code to control an output on a per step basis.  Is this documented somewhere?  Is the output pin selectable?

Any help would be appreciated.


That's great!

I was patient with this thread because my laser is not on-line yet.  I was going to persue it further when I needed it.

My home built laser cutter/engraver should be ready to go in about 2-3 weeks.

My build log is here...http://www.buildlog.net/cnc_laser/index.html

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: G Code Help
« on: July 24, 2009, 08:06:20 PM »
...if you need help decoding G-Code....

I wrote a web based G-Code commenter.  It adds plain English comments to G-Code.



Code: [Select]
M98 P100 L50

G00 X0 Y#2 Z1
G01 Z0 F20
G02 X-4 Z0 R3.4019
G00 Z1

It returns...

Code: [Select]
#2=0 ( #: Variable Assignment:#2=0 )
M98 P100 L50 ( M98:Call subroutine P:Line Number:100  L:Number of repititions:50 )
M30 ( M30:End program...rewind stop )
% ( %: Start or end of program )

o100 ( O:Subroutine label number:100 )
#1=.100 ( #: Variable Assignment:#1=.100 )
G00 X0 Y#2 Z1 ( G00:Rapid positioning #: Variable Assignment:#2 Z1 )
G01 Z0 F20 ( G01:Linear interpolation F:Feedrate:20 )
G18 ( G18:X-Z plane sel )
G02 X-4 Z0 R3.4019 ( G02:CW circular interpolation R:Arc radius:3.4019 )
G17 ( G17:X-Y plane sel )
G00 Z1 ( G00:Rapid positioning )
#2=[#2+#1] ( #: Variable Assignment:#2=[#2+#1] )
M99 ( M99:Return from subroutine )
% ( %: Start or end of program )

Is the laser engraving plugin source code available?  I would like to tweak it a little.  I will post anything I complete.


General Mach Discussion / Laser Cutter Contest
« on: April 21, 2009, 01:04:31 PM »
Help a long user of Mach and long time member of this forum.

I have been building some kinetic sculpture / dangerous toys lately. I used Mach 3 and Vectric Aspire to create some beautiful details to otherwise plain wood and plywood. I entered my latest creation in a contest at Instructables.com. The prize is a laser engraver/cutter!  You know a CNC guy can put that cutter to good use.   I though I could recruit some people on this forum to help me out.

Go to http://www.instructables.com/id/Steampunk-Segway-Legway-/ and click to vote near the top. The sites sometimes acts a little flaky with Internet Explorer, so if you have trouble try Firefox, Chrome or Surfari...try those.

Thanks...If I win I will gladly let Chicago area forum members use the engraver/ cutter.

P.S.  I gave a nice shout out to Mach on my contest entry.

Legway....the human powered steampunk Segway.

SmoothStepper USB / Re: Success, but a few issues
« on: August 11, 2008, 01:21:26 PM »

1.  The uninstall and reinstall of the Shuttle plugin fixed it.
2.  I changed the pulse rate to 25k in MACH.  The DROs are behaving so far, but the DRO zero problem was rare before so who knows.

I did my first cuts with SS last night and they worked great.  My rapids are scary fast now.

SmoothStepper USB / Re: Success, but a few issues
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:43:01 AM »
I downloaded the latest MACH version before I started...3.041  I will check on the Shuttle plug-in version.  Does anyone else use SS and Shuttle at the same time?  Do DROs perform normally for everyone with SS?

SmoothStepper USB / Success, but a few issues
« on: August 08, 2008, 10:42:49 AM »
I got my SmoothStepper and got it running in no time.  It is going to make a huge speed difference on my router.  I also had a servo motor that was very flakey on the parallel port, but works perfectly on the SS.

Here are my first issues.
1.  The motor tuning screen does not work interactely anymore.  I can change the settings, but the only way to move the motors is to save the settingas and close the screen.  Not a show stopper, but it takes a lot longer to tune the motors.
2.  I can't get my Shuttle Pro to work.  Some of the buttons work, but the jog dials don't.  It will be a drag until this is figured out.
3.  Sometimes the DROs won't zero when clicked.

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / G-Code Commenting Tool
« on: February 07, 2008, 07:42:21 PM »
I was debugging problems by checking out G-Code.  I was tired of looking up the codes so I wrote a quick JavaScript page to add comments to the g-code.  Simply type or paste some g-code into the page and it will add comments explaining the code.

I only spent an hour or two on it, so it is pretty basic and probably has some bugs.  It worked on all of the g-code files I could find including the ones that come with Mach.  It is not designed for files with thousands of lines, but will probably work if you are patient.

Feel free to copy it, modify it, etc.  Everything is in one html file.  If you have comments or suggestions, reply to this post or email me.  I will update it as time permits.


VB and the development of wizards / Re: Percent Complete
« on: December 03, 2007, 01:06:26 PM »

Thanks for the input.  Everything is working pretty well now (at least with my GCode files).  The last issue I would like to tackle is creating a button that loads the file then counts the lines.  My load button attempts hang up at the Part Generation dialog box.

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