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Messages - warcomeb

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I am at the end of the development of my movement plugin, but i have some problem during jog motion: how can I update the coordinates on the GUI of the Mach when I'm jog motion? which variable should I update?


I have another question  :-[ !!!!
how can I update the coordinates on the GUI of the Mach when I'm jog motion? which variable should I update?


Thanks for your help!
I have the last question (really the last question): Probe, what is it? what do my program when this input is activated? and when Probe function in SDK is called?


Ok, i have enabled home input and and i have pushed REF ALL HOME button, but motors do not move...

I have in my CNC a three homing sensors and I have no idea how to handle them.
I use my homing sensors as inputs?

when I push "REF ALL HOME" in a GUI, What does this mean?

No idea - but this you can easily debug and trace producing such code.

I have inserted a breakpoint in home function, but this is never called!

I have a new question  ;D

whene home function is called by M3?



my question: what is the relationship between kernel velicity, ExternalPulseRates, motor velocity, ExBufferHi and ExTime?
i don't understand what values ​​should I put...


About the position update - have you analyzed my code at all ? :P

It is your responsiibility to update Mach variables  - it is your plugin which is supposed to create motion according to given trajectory and report back the result ( as position).

Once uoy update position, you will also get tool view updated.

Thank! I've read most of your code and I solved the problem.

About th M3 stop - Well, I do not understand what you really mean.
I have put in this line a breakpoint and M3 arrive in this line only when have read the last line of GCode. it is correctly?


ps. I have another question but i think you kill me! :D

I found out why your code stalls - you need to set "MainPlanner->ExternalStill = true;" once you finish your movement or you reset your plugin.
You also do not update line position, so Mach does not show properly GCode line position.

Hi jarekk,
I have a question for you! I have insert in the update function this code
Code: [Select]
//If these ring buffer pointers are not equal, we have movement waiting..
if( Engine->TrajHead != Engine->TrajIndex)

//if Mavg is not set properly for the coming movement, set it now in a dwell message of 0 dwell
  while ( Engine->TrajHead != Engine->TrajIndex )
Engine->DisplayLine = Engine->Trajectories[ Engine->TrajIndex ].ID;

Engine->TrajIndex++;  //increment ring
Engine->TrajIndex &= 0xfff; //rotate the ring if necessary..
if( (Engine->TrajHead == Engine->TrajIndex) &&  MainPlanner->BufferEnding )

and i have set a breakpoin in finalizeMoves function... but M3 stop in this function only when have read the last line of GCode. it is correctly?

The axis position and tool tool view are not updated. why? i don't understand!!!! help me!

thanks for help


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